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Discord is once again loose, but after using his randomness to find some interesting information on some strange phenomenon in another world that has to do with an island and a bunch of humiliating events, the crazy spirit of disharmony and chaos comes up with a new, sick, twisted, disturbing plan that involves capturing 20 of the most popular ponies (and three non-ponies) and forcing them to play a new game while the rest of Equestria watches in horror (or most likely secret amusement and possibly envy of not being picked themselves).

What does the rotten host Discord have in mind for our 20 unfortunate selections? Well, looks like you'll have to wait and find out! Maybe, just maybe, if Discord is feeling generous, the winner of his new "game" will get a grand prize. Everyone pick a character to root for and let's get it on!

(Special thanks to shadow0knight for creating the cover image. To see the full-sized image, go here: http://shadow0knight.deviantart.com/art/Total-Magic-Pony-Island-Title-293752756)

Chapters (16)

Sequel to An Unlikely Couple. Upon hearing that his beloved wife Celestia is pregnant, Discord proceeds to have a midlife crisis. Afraid that the best of his years are behind him, it will take Twilight and Celestia to make the spirit of Disharmony see that fatherhood really isn't that bad. Not only that, his growing rivalry with Luna will only serve to make matters worse...

Chapters (19)