Button Mash is now an adult living in Manehattan and like every other stallion he's just trying to live his life. Unfortunately for him, his life has been hitting some bumps in the road, one of which may be on his doorstep.
Total Words: 17,135
Estimated Reading: 1 hour
It's almost time for Hearth's Warming, which means that the annual School Dance is here and this time, it's shaping up to be the best one ever.
There's just one problem.
All of Scootaloo's classmates have it in their head to bring to a date, and there isn't a free colt to be found. Will Scootaloo find a date, or will she be doomed to endure shame and embarrassment from her class mates?
Applejack and Rainbow Dash have been dating in secret for weeks now. One afternoon, they finally find the opportunity to spend some "quality" time alone together. When Scootaloo shows up, happy and unannounced, what are the two marefriends to do?
Play laser tag with the filly, of course.
A story commissioned by TIAS-A1927