Bookshelf 5 stories
  • Bookshelf 5 stories - 1210 unread chapters Shelf 1
    Created by animezach
    - November, 2015
Found 3 stories in 49ms

Total Words: 1,473,759
Estimated Reading: 4 days



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My roommate's name is Octavia, or "Tavi" for short. She likes vintage red wine, soft pillows, and long walks on the beach. But, more than anything, she loves music. She loves it with a passion that radiates with every burning color of the spectrum.

Each day I spend with her... or without her, I learn a little bit more about life, about the sick beat to which we all dance, whether we know it or not. I hope you don't mind if I say a few things about her. Just a few things. One can learn a lot from Tavi.

After all, she saved my life.

Cover Art by Eztp

Playlist - Because Even Original Things Aren't Original

Chapters (200)

Rainbow Dash flies east.

Chapters (200)

Rainbow Dash has it all: a life of mystery and suspense, ups and downs, adventure and calamity. As time goes by, she finds herself swiftly becoming the most daring, awesome pegasus in all of Equestria.

She would gladly give it all up, though, just for a chance to tell Applejack how much she loves her.

Cover art by DarkFlame

Chapters (1000)