A Spin-off of The Spiders & Magic Series, made popular by Maximus_Reborn
Taking place after the events of the 3rd story, Peter Parker AKA Spider-Mane is once again living a good life in Equestria. That all changes when several Capcom villains, arrive in Equestria, including Shadowlaw leader M. Bison, Son of Sparda Vergil & former Umbrella Employee & Captain of S.T.A.R.S. Albert Wesker.
Their arrival threatens a war against Equestria, but Peter won't be going at this alone, joined by his lovely wife Twilight Sparkle & her friends, The Elements of Harmony, plus some visiting allies from the Marvel world, including X-Men member Wolverine & Fantastic Four hot-shot, The Human Torch, Johnny Storm, Peter will deal with the Capcom threat. Peter must deal with Wesker planning to destroy Equestria just to get his hands, or hooves, on Peter, which includes recruiting Marvel villains & MLP Antagonists; deal with Vergil, who has a weird affection for Fluttershy; and the dastardly Vega, who has no problems manipulating emotions from various fillies & mares.
Others joining this ride include the Capcom Trio of Heroes, Ryu, Chris Redfield & Dante, who aren't too friendly with the Marvel side, a few other X-Men, plus Weapon X experiment X-23 & the newly outspoke rebel, Thunderlane, who is out to prove that Spider-Mane is a menace to their society.