Princess Twilight Sparkle may have been hoofed over the reins to Equestria, but that doesn't mean that everypony is perfectly happy with the arrangement, or her approach to rulership. While she's used to pushback from the likes of Neighsay, who are simply set in their ways and clinging to backward ideals, sometimes criticism isn't so easily dismissed.
Prince Blueblood is one such case. His grievances aren't imagined and rooted in bigotry, but infuriatingly reasonable, as he's pointed out a blind spot in her plans for the future. Of course, gracious stallion that he is, he's not just going to complain. He's going to help with that. And with Twilight facing down the knock-on effect of her reputation spreading to other species, she isn't in a position to say no.
But is his advice really the right kind, in this new age?
Written on commission, for Spamotron. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
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