• Member Since 23rd Oct, 2015


Sup. I'm a guy that loves MLP, and also loves dragons. I'm an artist and studying to be an animator... but writing fics is still pretty fun. Not really much else to say.

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This story is a sequel to Twilight Gets a Puppy, Season 5

Now that the time travel shenanigans are finally over... maybe. Twilight, Rahs, and Spike can get on with their day to day and break in their new roomies properly, while keeping Starlight and Tempest from killing each other.
Or keep everyone from making bets about it.

Still this years not going to be any less annoying, with newborns, changes in dragon lord leadership, cutie mark crusades, Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, Discord, of course, Fluttershy's brother, the battle for Rahs heating up between the six, Ogres and Oubliettes games gone mad, a massive prank war, the return of Daring Doo, added on top of the prophecy not having happened yet, and the Sparkles will again find themselves in the middle of everything.

As usual the lewd warning goes here cause of some situations and Cadence. I don't want to use the sex tag cause there isn't any and people might get confused by the current cover art.

Coverart by Marking

Chapters (58)

Discord; the immortal Lord of Chaos, only known Draconequus, dies very anticlimactically on his way to Fluttershy's cabin. Everypony is confused.

Especially him.


Featured on 03/24/2023

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Welcome to the jungle

This year Page managed to get back to Canterlot for Hearth's Warming and this is the story about that.

This will be a three part mini-story posted from the 23-26th of December.

Happy Hearth's Warming everyone!:twilightsmile:

Image made by: Closetbrony2

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Witch of the Everfree

Saddle Arabia is a land of mysteries and ancient legends, and Sunset Shimmer sees it as a great place to escape from her mistakes for a while. What caused her to flee Equestria, and can she find a way to prove herself and win back the favor of the ponies she wronged?

More importantly, can she avoid starting a war?

I'd like to thank all my followers, fans, and patreon subscribers. Without all of you, I'd be worse off in every way.

Chapters (18)

When Celestia and Luna took over the sun and moon, they came with manuals.

Now, as they browse the manuals, they find 'extra settings'.

Now, what do they do—

screams are heard in the distance

Written by iAmSiNnEr. Inspired by Shrink Laureate. Not to be taken seriously.

Chapters (1)

When a thousand years has passed, Luna was supposed to return.

But when Nightmare Moon returns dead, Celestia is flabbergasted and shocked.

Then she sees Luna, who claims to have killed Nightmare Moon.

She is very confused.

Written by iAmSiNnEr. Not to be taken seriously

Helped by Chris the Cynic, who gave me a paragraph to work on.

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has returned from her thousand years of banishment on the moon.

These thousand years have not been kind to her.

She decides to sell the idea of Eternal Night instead of trying to take over the world.

Nothing will go wrong.

Set in: My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Part One. Not to be taken seriously.

Thanks to Petrichord for some of the ideas in this story!

Credit for art goes to Silfoe. Art is used without explicit permission, and I will take it down if the original artist, Silfoe requests it.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Nightmare Moon is a...Salespony?!

Chrysalis has invaded Canterlot. However, Nightmare Moon is awaiting her with her sales proposals. Is there no end to her sales pitches?!

Set in "A Canterlot Wedding". Not to be taken seriously.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Witch of Canterlot

Sunset Shimmer needs a vacation. She doesn't feel she can really match the accomplishments of the ponies around her, and even though she knows leaving Canterlot is just running away from her problems for a while, maybe it's what she needs to get her head back in the game.

Griffonstone needs someone to save it. The griffons won't ever admit that, but it isn't half the city it used to be. The birds still in town do everything they can to leave, and the whole place is ravaged by terrible gale-force winds.

The earth roars! The heaven howls! The crowds cry out for a hero! Can Sunset really end a curse that's lingered for generations?

Chapters (8)

King Sombra has just taken Canterlot, Twilight and her friends have been scattered, and The Royal sisters have been imprisoned. Sombra thought he had destroyed any possibility of resistance, clearly, he didn't Think twice about it. And whenever TheRussianbadger is given a task, you'd better believe he'll accomplish it, no matter how insane it seems or how extreme his methods...

A one shot parody based off of theRussianbadger and his cohorts shenanigans.

Chapters (1)