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Book One

This is a story of a small purple dragon who was sending to another world he did not know. But began his adventure to find a way back home or perhaps remain to save Neverland from evil.

Chapters (19)

Dear Princess Celestia
I think something is seriously wrong with everypony here in Ponyville, they're all acting really angry with each other, even Spike! He's been really agitated for some reason, I think it has to do with the make up that was recently produced?

-Your former student and royal friend
Princess Twilight Sparkle.

Chapters (17)

Anon realizes something about ponies. They are really just oversized, Intelligent, magic, flying, cats.

OG Image: https://cheezburger.com/9114790144

Chapters (1)

Story is set at the end of Season 3

* * *

Spike has always felt a little out of place but he did his best to meet expectations. He enjoyed being a member of the Sparkle family, and did everything he could to help.

As time passed on, Spike wistfully accepts that he isn't really Twilight's little brother and he isn't sure he wants to be just her assistant anymore either. What he needs... is a mom.

* * *

Cover art is by dSana from the comic The Shadow Shard, pg. 92.

Featured 8-2-24, 8-3-24, 8-4-24 and 8-5-24. My first ever story featured for 4 days.

Chapters (1)

Tempest Shadow is a mare with a complicated story to tell. She has many sins to atone for, but she intends to address every single one. Her days are long, and facing her past victims is never easy. Many would say she doesn't deserve happiness.

And in the rare instances that she gets to come home to someone who cares, she doubts she deserves it, too.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to This Is Not How I Expected My Week To Go

In Luna's absence, Equestria has advanced significantly, enough to leave Luna unsure of where she stands now as co ruler of Equestria. Don't even get her started on there being a third alicorn in the form of Princess Cadence. Celestia attempts to get her sister settled after being Nightmare Moon while Twilight, Sunset and the rest of the elements work to keep up with each other.

Cover art is done by my friend on discord.

Chapters (13)

When Twilight is sent to Amethyst Harbor to prepare for the Summer Sun Celebration by Princess Celestia to meet up with her other student Sunset Shimmer, Twilight is less than happy that her warnings about Nightmare Moon are being ignored. When Nightmare Moon finally reveals herself, Twilight and Sunset find themselves being assisted by two stunt flyers of the Wonderbolts, an artist and a gardener pony.

Cover art is done by a friend on discord.

Chapters (13)

This story is a sequel to Cross the Rubicon: Choices

From the beginning, Spike was there, watching, listening...knowing things that he could tell no one.

He knew something bad had happened. He knew something was off about Sunset Shimmer. He knew something was hurting Twilight. But no matter how much he barked or howled, he could never explain what he knew to anyone--they would never understand him.

It didn't mean he wouldn't try.

He would give everything he had to protect his human.

A companion piece to my main story, Cross The Rubicon: Choices , from the perspective of Spike the dog.

Chapters (5)

Sweetie Belle wants to show she's a real wizard! Real wizards have familiars, the book said so, and thus it must be true. She begins the ritual to call a spirit into being to serve her and help her magic grow.

Done entirely randomly for nobody but myself.

Chapters (2)

Okay you know how this kind of story starts. A guy bought something at a Convention from a certain Merchant and gets thrown into some version of Equestria. Problem though for our Human here, there is just NOTHING exciting happening. The World seems to be completely at peace. Well Equestria is at least.

Chapters (1)