Being the mayor of Ponyville is not easy, not when you have the Elements of Harmony and the Cuite Mark Crusaders always causing trouble. Mayor Mare has a solution however, a Bachelor auction and Big Mac is the star of her little show. Follow Mac as he goes through his own personal hell, while the other stallions seem to be enjoying themselves!
Stallions on the Block: Big Mac, Soarin, Braeburn, Bulk Biceps, Prince Blueblood, Flash Sentry, Caramel, Thunderlane, Dr. Whooves/Time Turner, and Spike! Also two new ponies that you might be able to recognize.
Written by: Captain Unstoppable
Jake the Army Guy
Featured Story?! Thank you all!
Update: Since all of you have been debating the age, Jake and I have decided that the ages are as followed. Main Six are in their early twenties. CMC/Spike pre-teens 10-12. Mac mid twenties.
Thank you as always to jszellmer for the edits.
Thank you to KarmaDash for the idea bouncing along with Shrapmo as well.
Finally thank you mcwhale4 for the great cover art!
Also, here is what Auction has been like for Jake and Cap