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This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

In the final--so help me God--installment of the Enchantedverse, Rarity and Twilight embark on their grandest adventure yet, determined to finally put an end to Discord and free the remaining princesses.

Of course, there's always a hitch in every plan, but luckily for them, if they survived one ghost story, they could surely survive a second.


Final story in The Enchanted Trilogy. Originally used to be the story "The Enchanted Carousel" but the vibes were not good, so I decided to completely restart it. This is the final and actual sequel to Enchanted Kingdom, I swear to GOD. IT ENDS HERE OR ELSE I'M GOING TO--

Cover art by the ever talented Maxi.

Updated bi-monthly on Wednesdays if the God's are good and decide to give me a break for once.

Chapters (3)

There are six pony virtues. Six. And fortunately for the pickup artists, confidence stallions, and desperate of the world, there's also a lot of sapients who can't count that high. Princess Luna's Return produced a few side effects, and one of the more consistently annoying is a never-ending parade of those who claim to be the hitherto-unknown virtue of This Is Worth Some Free Drinks. Others take it further.

Division Seven is an international, multispecies effort, created in an attempt to find and discipline those charlatans. And ideally, to do so before something... happens.

The planet has strange ways of reacting to the presence of true Bearers.

Imagine how it might deal with some of the fakes...

(Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.)

Cover art created by RamblingWriter.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to A Confederacy Of Dunce Caps

He's her daddy. Hers alone, and... they've been alone for a long time. Father and daughter, with each as the only pony whom the other has in the world. As far as Diamond's concerned, that's natural. It's the way things have just about always been. (She was too young to remember anything else.) And therefore, that's how their lives should always be.

Except that now her father is talking about dating. He has his eyes on a mare, and that pegasus can barely keep one eye on anything. Diamond's had all of her father's love for just about the whole of her life, and if somepony else comes in, then... there's going to be less for her. That's just basic business sense. Limited supply, increased demand.

Her father wants to be with somepony again.

There has to be a way for Diamond to save him. Before it all goes wrong.

(Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.)

This story takes place after the events of Anchor Foal and DELWMG, but no knowledge of either story is required.

Chapters (12)

Twilight's been having weird, unfamiliar urges ever since she became an alicorn. Like an intense desire to grow flowers, or the fact she can't stop chewing on her wings when she's distracted. As it turns out, you can't just suddenly inherit the magic of all three pony tribes without getting the instincts to match, and instincts can be a powerful thing. Doubly so when you're not used to them, and especially when they're telling you that your best friend with the gorgeous wings would make the perfect partner to share a nest with.

Wait, what was that last part?

Originally this was supposed to be a birthday gift for Celysus, but I fell in love with the idea so it's gonna be a full fic now. You can't stop me.

(Rated teen for mildly suggestive flirting)

Chapters (3)

An Equestria ravaged by the changeling horde is the last place that somepony would expect a mare of culture and refinement to survive. With the capitol of Canterlot having been the first city taken, the nobility has been wiped out to a pony and Princess Celestia has vanished, the only sign that she's still alive being the fact that the sun continues to rise every morning.

Yet, from the wreckage has come Rarity, a mare who carries herself like a noble and speaks little of her past. Her only companion is a young filly and her only possession is a strange necklace around her neck, the gem of which matches her cutie mark. She claims that said necklace has power, and that now is the time to gather their strength and strike back against the invaders.

Few can deny that this stranger is charismatic, and her words compelling, but the mysteries swirling around her almost eclipse her ruthless determination to liberate Equestria once and for all. In a land where trust is a dangerous gamble, can anypony take the risk?

Or is the greater risk to do nothing at all?

Written on commission, for Tailsic. If you'd like to commission me yourself, my rules are right here.
Also check out author Ko-Fi, and Discord server.

Chapters (16)

Within our little corner of the multiverse are several agencies all funded by the Crown along with other 'backers' whose names you won't find in any public files—organizations that exist to handle certain tasks at the behest of Her Royal Highness. Many of these agencies work behind the scenes, out of the public eye. They strive to keep not just our country, but the world itself safe from the more dire threats that plague it.

There is an infinite number of universes that exist, some of which have been explored and countless others that we know are out there but have yet to see with our own eyes. There are those that are trained to take such risks. venturing into the unknown and unknowable for the sake of our continued prosperity. And then there those that deal with the nastier things that slip through from time to time. There are ponies and other creatures that specialize in dealing with those things—more often than not eldritch abominations so obscenely hideous and mindbendingly horrifying that the mere sight of one can drive you insane or kill you outright from the fear alone.

While there is some general overlap, I am not officially part of either of those groups. My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I am a newly minted agent of P.O.U.T. or the Procurement of Outlandish and Unearthly Treasures. My role is just what it says on the tin. I find and seize mysterious and often deadly artifacts that have been classified as 'not of this world', preferably before they end up in the hooves, claws, or paws of innocent and hapless civilians who have no idea what they're dealing with.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Monsoon Season

When you're a filly, there isn't much point to seeing Homecoming as a holiday. Apple Bloom knows exactly how it works: you have to clean everything, make a big meal, there's a lot of adults talking around the dinner table -- so it's basically like every other day, except with extra chores and special plates. Homecoming is when you're supposed to be with your closest family, and she lives with them. She doesn't wait for Homecoming so much as she waits to get through it, or just... waits.

On Homecoming, you seek out your closest family.
Babs is spending Homecoming on the Acres.

(Part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Cover art by GroaningGreyAgony.

Chapters (12)
by RB_

The magical land of Equestria is no more. Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle, and Starlight Glimmer just want to know why.

And if that means Sunset has to go back to Equestria, an Equestria she doesn't even recognize... then so be it.

Takes place after Friendship Games, but before Legend of Everfree has a chance to happen.

Chapters (19)

A terrible affliction has befallen the peaceful town of Ponyville, and the lavender unicorn and her friends are right in the middle of it! And the edges of it. Heck, it's pretty much lavender unicorns all over.

A story unrelated to anything.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Anchor Foal: A Romantic Cringe Comedy

It's been over a year and when it comes to the little routines of labor and love, Fleur still hasn't managed to fully adjust. She needs to find some means of making it all last. And one thing she can definitely try to do is screen out anything which threatens to make her mate unhappy. Such as, just by way of very unwelcome example, the brother. Because Zephyr wants to be part of Fluttershy's life. He claims to have changed. But Fleur doesn't know whether change is truly possible.

Or if she's really changed at all.

(Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (29)