• Member Since 15th Mar, 2015

The Fan Without a Face

Voice Actor, Freelance Editor, Writer and T-Shirt Designer.

Simple yet Sweet 25 stories
  • Simple yet Sweet 25 stories Mostly Slice of Life stories that while not having mind blowing action or dark storylines, are enjoyable little tales you can read anytime either to relax or brighten your mood
    Created by The Fan Without a Face
    - September, 2015
Found 18 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 357,456
Estimated Reading: 23 hours


  • Favourites 44 stories

  • Humanity in Equestria 0 stories Any and all stories involving a Human in Equestria.

  • Simple yet Sweet 25 stories Mostly Slice of Life stories that while not having mind blowing action or dark storylines, are enjoyable little tales you can read anytime either to relax or brighten your mood

  • Strictly M Rated 6 stories Pretty much any more mature story,


  • Featured 24765 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 250 stories Stories that have been reviewed

After having fallen asleep Apple Bloom finds herself at the Golden Oaks Library during a thunderous storm. As the storm grows worse Apple Bloom begins to get more terrified by the minute. Twilight does her best to comfort the poor filly but with the storm carrying on all the way till the morning can the Alicorn princess help the little filly overcome her fears and get her through this long dreadful night?

Cover Art designed by: Cayfie

Proofread/Edited by: PoisonClaw & Level Dasher
Pre-read by: NavelColt

Note: This story takes place during Season 4.

Featured: 26/07/2017 - 02/02/2018

Chapters (1)

Ever wondered what Sunset does for a job? Mechanic, maybe? Computer analyst, perhaps? How about a waitress at a sushi bar?

Wait... what was that last one?

Silly little thing I came up with after the reveal of the "Sunset Sushi" Mini (which is utterly adorable!}

Chapters (1)

Against your better judgement, you ended up having three little girls that you have to take care of all by yourself now.

As much trouble as they can be sometimes, you still wouldn't trade them for the world.

Chapters (13)

[EqG] Rainbow Dash injures herself during a run one morning. When you step in to intervene, she's unsure how to react.

Rated T for some language.

Chapters (8)

Things have been going well for Sunset Shimmer since the Friendship Games. She's on good terms with the students at Canterlot High School, she has a close circle of friends she can depend on, and most of all, she now has a new friend and research partner in the form of the human world's Twilight Sparkle. With a brand new avenue in magical research now open to her, not even the prospect of her upcoming birthday can get in the way of her hope for the future.

Then her latest experiment blew up in her face.

Reduced to a mare in a child's body, Sunset has to find a way to reverse what she's done and return to what qualifies as normal in this world. But in a world where magic was a fairy tale until a few months ago, things are going to be more than a little difficult on that front. And as she struggles to maintain her adult mind against the immaturity of her current form, her friends are faced with the possibility that they may lose their friend forever.

Chapters (9)

Believe it or not, the Friendship Games wasn't an easy film to make. Various scenes had to be redone because of random shenanigans, misspoken lines, or general silliness.

Here's an exclusive behind the scenes look of what never made it into the movie...

This story was based off of the Friendship Games Blooper Reel that recently released.

Chapters (1)

Following the final Magic Duel, Ponyville holds Trixie in custody until she can be attended to by one of the Princesses. However, when Celestia arrives with Prince Blueblood in tow, a shocking truth awaits the residents of Ponyville.

Featured 30-March-2016, thanks to all readers!

Chapters (1)

During her time in the human world, Sunset Shimmer has experienced many things.

Including, unfortunately, the frustration of having to deal with incompetent, negligent, or just plain rude package delivery service.

After putting up with one package delivery nightmare too many, Sunset Shimmer decides enough is enough.

Now, it's time to make a delivery of her own.

For Zef.

Chapters (1)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

While relaxing after a performance, the Rainbooms discover Sunset has scars that she definitely didn't have before the Fall Formal.

As of 9/14/2015, this story has a dramatic reading by Goombasa. Give it a listen!

7/7/2016: Now with cover art designed by the very generous Novel-Idea! Thank you so much!

7/23/2016: This story has a reading by Gabriel C Media. Give it a listen!

Chapters (1)