Sonata decides to gear up and prepare for a little question to one man, and one man only. And that is, "Can I be your valentine?". She might not know it, but her crush had the same thing in mind.
People who've read before published: Cinders of War
Sonata decides to gear up and prepare for a little question to one man, and one man only. And that is, "Can I be your valentine?". She might not know it, but her crush had the same thing in mind.
People who've read before published: Cinders of War
More than a year after their defeat at the Battle of the Bands, a siren returns to Canterlot High in hopes of regaining something she lost.
Cover image by: rileyav
Sonata says she’s having issues with maths. Adagio, having nothing better to do and not wanting to take more of Sonata’s complaining, decides to help her. But Sonata can’t simply pay attention to what Adagio says. Adagio is confused. What was happening to that stupid idiot?
(WOW this isn't my best work. So random and slice of life tho.)
This is my entry for Equestria Daily’s Friend Off using sorenhero art. Check his pony stuff out if you haven’t yet!
Thanks for Exterminate Regenerate for editing this and being a awesome fucker :3
Sonata Dusk meets Shining Armor at Sugar Cube Corner, and is confused as to why he isn't wearing any armor.
She decides to ask why.
Cover art made by Wadusher0
Now with Dramatic Reading by DarkShadow051
French Translation by Vinz.
(Credit for the cover art and inspiration goes to thegreatcat14 on Deviantart! Thank you for the permission! ^^)
All Aria wanted after a long day trying to steal a precious jewel with Adagio and Sonata at the hotel was sleep. Especially since Adagio had been a total -Censored- today!
Now someone is shaking her awake while she laid in her bed inside the hotel room...
Sonata Dusk decides to spend a day at school, but she's confused about where to go or what to do. Luckily, Sunset Shimmer is such a good student and offers to show her around.
Sonata has a bad nightmare and asks Aria if she can bunk with her since Adagio is no where to be found. Aria of course refuses, but gives in, leaving them in a very interesting position when Adagio comes back.
Featured 1/7/15 Yaaaaay! Now with a reading by Wubcake!
Sonata realizes that she may have a crush on Sunset. Not exactly knowing how to deal with her new found feelings, she asks Adagio and Aria for help, which probably wasn't the best idea.
This story is a sequel to Her Knight In Shining Aria
Sonata starts to think that there might be something more to her relationship with Aria. Aria on the other hand, does not. And Adagio...well Adagio's trying to figure out what the heck is going on.