• Member Since 22nd Dec, 2011


a teenage girl, who loves my little pony, and wants to be a writer!

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Taking place between chapter three and chapter four of 'Ride On Shooting Star', these three short stories are just some of the many adventures that include the Doctor with Derpy and various other cast members, including allies and enemies!

Chapters go in this order:
"Ride On Shooting Star", Chapter 3
"Freeze Up"
"Like A Stone"
"Night Time"
"Ride On Shooting Star", Chapter 4

Chapters (11)

Sequel to Love and Hatred. Discord has broken free of his stone prison and is now engaged to Celestia. But can the others adjust to their awkward relationship, or will Luna and Twilight see to it that it fails?

Chapters (12)

Discord waits alone and forgotten in the Canterlot gardens, brooding over his hatred for the princess and wondering who truly was the monster between them. But an unlikely visit one night changes him and his feelings for Celestia...

Chapters (2)

Discord and Queen Chrysalis, two of Equestria's most wanted, find themselves stranded in the desert with very few options... so how the hell did love ensue? This is the incredibly stupid tale of how two vile villains found love in an unexpected way, and used it to be even worse villains.
Maybe I should stop getting blazed before I write these?

Chapters (5)

Celestia and Luna want to spend some time together as good sisters do. Celestia decides that they should play chess. Unfortunately, Luna doesn't enjoy the game as much as her sister. Moreover, she is irritated by her sister's behaviour during the game. Will Luna find the way to get Celestia out of the chess craze and save their relationship?

Chapters (3)

Hoity Toity is a stallion of few words, save for those that he uses to criticize his workers with. He designs custom outfits for his models, keeps a trained eye on them and holds his emotions rightfully hidden. He's seen his fair share of beauty, of stallions and mares constantly competing to strive to the limit of their pretty looks and youthful faces. Control is key if he wants to thrive in the business that he's ensnared in. "Never fall for the models that you design for", as the saying goes. It's his mantra, the only philosophy that keeps his lonely heart far away from his work.

((M/M Shipping
Edited by Bronymaster))

Chapters (4)

Hoity Toity and Photo Finish are both very stubborn ponies, and so how will a relationship work between them? It will take big sacrifices in pride, for both of them. They will definitely have fights, but hey, you can't really control who you love, can you?

This is my first ever fanfic, so criticism (but not too harsh please?) will be appreciated.
Cover image from http://cutiemarkcrusaders.tumblr.com/post/7859118987/via-fashion-by-flikkun-on-deviantart

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle decides to get farming lessons from Ponyville's premier farmers...Big Macintosh Apple. Apple Bloom sees this as an opportunity to set up the two single ponies. But she'll need Twilight's number one assistant, Spike, to help as well. Twilight could never imagine somepony as handsome as Big Macintosh being interested in some egghead unicorn. While Big Macintosh can't imagine someone as well read and beautiful as Twilight Sparkle being interested in a simple farm colt. But drama from Twilight's past may keep her from risking everything on true happiness.

This isn't the first fan fiction I've started working on, but it is the first I've chosen to post on here. I know TwiMac fiction has been done many times, and many of the elements here will be recognized in other people's stories. But I love the idea of these two being together. It's the whole opposites attract angle. Sure the most popular is FlutterMac, but to me the problem with that is both are so soft spoken I can't see their relationship being all that interesting. I'm sure there are some good ones out there, but to me these two are the ideal shipping. I hope you enjoy ^_^

Chapters (12)

Twilight, Luna, Applejack and Rainbow Dash go on a camping trip together while Rarity, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy are away in Manehattan, but what adventures lie for them on the way? Will they make it in one piece? Exactly what are Applejack's feelings for Rainbow Dash? And who does Twilight like?

Chapters (21)

Today is the day Twilight has been waiting for for so long; the day she gets married to her longtime crush. It is too bad, however, that her own brother has to miss it due to the changeling infestation!

Chapters (1)