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The Crusaders have been joined at their collective hips for years. There have been bumps along the way but this is one childhood friendship that makes it all the way to adulthood with no end in sight. Nothing and nopony could ever tear them apart.

Except, perhaps, for each other. The Crusaders have grown up and with maturity comes changes both inside and out. When the youngest of the trio finally crosses the finish line into legal adulthood, those changes start to come to light. It turns out that they may not know one another quite as well as they thought. The Crusaders have stuck together through thick and thin but shared affection might be a bigger challenge than any shared adversity they've ever faced.

Why does life have to be so ironic?

A story written to challenge myself into covering topics I normally never touch. Tagged for (very) humanoid anthropomorphism, implications, innuendo, off-screen self-help, first base, and flirting with the line of second. Contains content that some may find offensive or unpleasant such as: a tiny amount of alcohol, body image issues, homosexuality, and polyamory.

Chapters (21)

This story is a sequel to Ms. Midshipmare Dash

Ensign Rainbow Dash, Royal Manticoran Navy, thought her past was behind her. She was wrong.

A sequel to Ms. Midshipmare Dash. It's by no means necessary to read the prequel first. 

A crossover with The Honorverse, but zero knowledge of that source material is needed. I created an Honorverse Crossover group.

Thanks to Samey90, Justified Paranoia, Mockingbirb, and Raleigh for pre-reading.

Cover art by commission with Harwick. This looks amazing, and big thanks!

Not an entry to any contest.

Chapters (1)

Right Angle, Ponyville's resident building inspector, has seen a lot of strange domiciles in his life. Twilight Sparkle's castle, however, just might be the strangest.

The castle seems to think so, too.

Inspired by a discussion with the lovely Perfectly Insane. A big thank you to ChudoJogurt, gapty, and AllThatShimmers for prereading.

Ko-Fi. Y'know. If you feel like it.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Being somepony's friend can require accepting the... quirkier parts of their personality: something Rarity is all too aware of, especially when it comes to the work involved in accepting hers. So discovering that Fluttershy possesses -- shall we say, a 'special interest' -- simply means that the designer needs to accompany her to the convention. Just to make sure the pegasus isn't going to get hurt.

But a mare of dignity and taste does not casually wander into a 'special interest' gathering and emerge unaffected. And as it happens, neither does Rarity.

Rated C for Conifer Crackfic.

(Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.)

Chapters (1)

The waiter has just made a very funny mistake. See, he thinks Twilight, Rainbow Dash and Rarity are all dating, when it's actually just Twilight and Dash. Rarity thinks it's very funny not to correct him. Now how far can she take the joke?

A spiritual sequel to Flimsy Pretexts, written as a response to the effervescent Monochromatic. An effort to close our loop of RariTwi x Dash, then RariDash x Twi - naturally there needed to be a TwiDash x Rarity for balance.

Preread by Pearple Prose and Undome Tinwe

Chapters (1)

A desperate attempt to tweak parameters of the afterlife with weaponized semantics and applied friendship principles

At the end of the world, a programmer struggles with his need to be something other than Pony. Can he spar with an intelligence that goes beyond the sum total of Humankind, for the sake of fulfilling a weird quirk of self-identity?

Some rules within a machine are more like guidelines. And others are based on the definitions of words. Can semantics be a weapon big enough to give a Human mind a chance at one small request from a goddess?

Set in the Optimalverse - I recommend reading Iceman's awesome original first if you haven't - More because it is a really excellent story than because it is strictly necessary for context. I have endeavoured to make this story stand well enough without context as well. But that being said? You'll probably enjoy it more if you know the context better.

Cannon-compatible with the Optimalverse to the best of my knowledge and abilities.

Cover-art generated with an image generative A.I., appropriately enough, graciously generated and composited (it takes skill to get something this spot-on!) by Keystone Gray.

Similarly you'll find many AI-generated illustrations throughout, again graciously generated in collaboration with Keystone Gray, then a little final photoshopping and other processing from us both.

Chapters (50)

Celestia has been dating Rarity for a few months now and was under the impression everything was perfect. Except, for some reason she cannot understand, Rarity has taken to… keeping her distance.


Read this story and others on my website, Hollow Shades!

Chapters (1)

Earth Ponies controlled the Ground. Pegasi, the Sky. Unicorns, the Aether.
And things generally worked out for a few thousand years.

And then there was the Sea.

And now there's just me.

An entry for Bicyclette's 1000 words contest (group / info) in the "Angst" category.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and her friends know the routine. The Cutie Map summons one or more of them by making their cutie marks glow and flash. They come to the castle to answer the summons then depart to some distant part of Equestria to solve a friendship problem. They've all done it many times before.

But whose cutie mark is that? It's not anypony in Ponyville. Or anypony Twilight's friends have met.

What's a pony to do when one morning their cutie mark starts glowing, and they have no idea why?

Chapters (6)

Ponies have spread to the stars thanks to advances in technology. In the advanced and luxurious Solar Explorer, Celestia travels to the first extra-solar colony world set up by her little ponies. Unfortunately, events elsewhere in the galaxy, unknown to them, have set in motion a cycle that has been repeated for countless eons… the reaping of sentient races. A Reaper dreadnought confronts the Solar Explorer, intent upon indoctrinating the leadership of the ponies and bringing them to heel.

Said Reaper quickly learns exactly why Celestia has earned the title Unconquered.

A Mass Effect crossover oneshot.

Now with a reading done by Scarlett Blade! Check it out!

Chapters (1)