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It's not easy living far out in the west end of the city and working downtown, but Sunset manages. The drive to and from work with her girlfriend, though, can be an exercise in patience. Between her bad days that she has, the bad days Twilight has, and just life in general, being trapped in a car together for half an hour can put a strain on them both.

It's easy to lose sight of things and tunnel vision on the road ahead. Sometimes it helps to take a step back and see things from the other side of the aisle.

Entry for Sunset Shipping Contest - Journeys. Took Fifth Place.

Prereaders: GaraTheAuthor, RTStephens, and SamRose

Chapters (1)

Sunset confesses to Twilight one day after school, and not quite sure how to take it, Twilight goes on a quest to solve the greatest equation of all: What is love?

Chapters (1)

The last day of school has all but come and gone. Rainbow and the others have left to prepare the holidays with their families, leaving Sunset all by herself. Ready to spend another Christmas alone, Sunset exits CHS only to be greeted by a familiar face. Someone that comes bearing a gift Sunset never thought she'd receive.

In fact, it might just be the most important gift of Sunset's life.

This story was featured on the front page of FiMFiction on the 25th of December, rising to 1st on the feature box on the 26th of December.

Cover art is done by baekgup

Cover edit (adding the words and editing so it look like a story cover) gifted to me on Christmas by Novel Idea

Edit (26/12/2016): In my haste to get this ready by Christmas, I neglected to mention that Warming A Hearth in Another World by Flutterpriest was one of the inspirations behind this tale. I always try to give credits where they're due but this one slipped through the cracks, sorry!

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer has never needed anyone or anything - she had her magic, she had her ambition, and she had intellect. Others just stood in her way or held her down. So what do you do when your plans for world domination fall through?

Now she's about to discover that the only thing harder than hitting rock bottom is climbing your way out of that crater. Good thing she has some new friends to help her along, but its tough to seek forgiveness from others when you can't forgive yourself...

Special thanks to KiltedKey (Chapters 1/2) and SolidFire for their editing work.

Chapters (47)

Twilight Sparkle and Timber Spruce have been dating ever since the events of Camp Everfree.

But some time later, Twilight asks Sunset Shimmer to meet her in the school lab. Because Twilight has relationship worries—lots of them, and Sunset's the only person she trusts to help.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Edits: nanashi_jones

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Long Road to Friendship

It is a new year for Sunset Shimmer; a fresh chance at real happiness with her five best friends and her girlfriend. But Sunset is constantly troubled by her uncertain future, and haunted by the consequences of her past.

For her battle against Princess Twilight has drawn forth ancient forces with eyes on the last bastion of magic: Canterlot City.

As darkness closes in, Sunset must find her light and guide her friends to defend their world against old rivals and legends best left forgotten, all while dealing with their ever-looming futures.

But when graduation comes, what will Sunset Shimmer do? For she is still a stranger in this world, with or without her friends, and the road before her guarantees nothing.

Of course, with the universe conspiring against her, it'll be a miracle if she even makes it that far...

Story plot edited by HenryAnthonyCourtler
Pre-read by DrakeyC
Wonderful cover art designed by HanasakiYunarin!
Text added by Amber Spark!
The page of Spectacular Tropes!
Presenting the French translation!

Chapters (86)

This story is a sequel to A Sunlit Journey

Alternate worlds. Infinite possibility. Someone's life could have gone a thousand different ways, fall in love a thousand times with a thousand different people.

When a simple demonstration of portal technology goes catastrophically wrong, Sunset finds herself stuffed full of the memories of her alternate counterparts.

Memories of being in love with all of her friends.

While every other story in the Sunset Shipping Project so far has been designed to be accessible as a standalone one shot, this story is explicitly a sequel to all of them. You can find them all here.

Chapters (1)

It all started with a simple question. "Can the portal go to other places besides Equestria?

The answer turned out to be "No, but we might be able to make one that can."

When their research is complete, Sunset and Twilight are pulled into an adventure in another world, where they meet even more doppelgängers of themselves. But their alternate counterparts may reveal some things about themselves they never knew.

Chapters (1)

Two years ago when Fluttershy was a sophomore, she spent a fretful month as a teen fashion model. Her burgeoning career was sadly cut short by the relentless bullying of Sunset Shimmer.

When Fluttershy is once again offered an opportunity to rejoin the industry, Sunset sees a chance to make amends.

Chapters (1)

Sunset's friends ask her for help with a lot of things. Pretending to be Rarity's boyfriend at her cousin's wedding is a new one. It can't be that hard, right? A sharp suit, some expertly applied makeup, and a good backstory and she'll be charming the pants off of the bridesmaids in no time.

But just what is Rarity hoping to get out of this subterfuge in the first place?

Russian translation

Chapters (1)