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  • Featured 24204 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 98 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Tennae is a young changeling who, after the fall of Queen Chrysalis at the hands of Princess Cadence, has been sent out to Ponyville to prepare it for the grand return of her Queen.

But young changeling minds are so impressionable nowadays... and this changeling will experience first-hand some of the questions she's wanted answered. Among them, possibly the most important:

What truly is love?

This is an Anon in Equestria story. Written for Valentine's Day. Sorry if it's a dealbreaker, but TOO BAD HERE WE GO

Chapters (5)

Fluttershy has always been scared of storms, but never have I seen her quite like this. I had to take her in a few months back due to a magical portal sticking her on Earth for good, and now she needs some help through her first storm after our drought season. Will she make it through without losing her sanity? Will she gain something, or someone, in the process?

Chapters (4)

When a video game programmer mysteriously enters Equestria, it doesn't seem like anything out of the ordinary. But the answer to the appearance may just be the precursor to the biggest disaster to befall Equestria since Discord.

Story Was Featured!


Chapters (14)

Silly shipping with a slice of slapdash snugglery.

Rainbow Dash decides to delve into the depths of expression through emphatic embraces with her friends, because hugging is magic. If it just so happens that Applejack seems to be the superior snuggler, well, who is Dash to turn down a challenge?

The actual story contains a lot less obnoxious assonance than the title, but c'mon, doesn't it just roll right off the tongue?

Written for the delightfully dapper DbzOrDie and long, long overdue. Better late than never, right? Uh, right?

Chapters (3)

Anon and I have been friends for awhile now. We get along together and Dinky loves him to death. I feel very fortunate to have a friend like him. Its just, I have always liked Anon a little more than I probably should. He needs a friend right now, seeing as he just went through a bad break up.

Who am I kidding anyways. Who would want me? I'm just... damaged goods.

Chapters (7)

[ 2nd person ] [ HiE ]
It's not easy being a human in Ponyville, but there's one pink pony who makes it all worthwhile.

A story of prejudice, suspicion, and gossip,
and a simple love that grows in spite of it all.

Chapters (1)

One night, a strange creature is found on Fluttershy's doorstep, and chaos breaks free from it's bonds. What is it doing here, why can't it remember where it came from, how did Discord escape his stony prison, and just what is Celestias name is a human?

Chapters (5)

After some apocalyptic events, a man awakens in a land he recognizes all too well, in the house of a cyan blue pegasus with a rainbow-colored mane, with a body that is not his own. Simply put, this is the story of how he copes with his new life and with the relationship he shares with Rainbow Dash.

Chapters (22)

Jessica finds herself flung into a world she has little concept of. Everything is strange and new to her, but worst of all she cannot communicate with the native inhabitants. A world of monsters and sapient ponies, griffons and other assorted beasts is no place for a human girl.

How will Jessica cope? Without an understanding of their language how will she make her way in the world, will she even be able to ever communicate with them? Why was she even brought into the world and is there even a way for her to get home?

(Thanks to Tulip for the Cover image!)

(Also now apparently has a Tv Tropes page in the making. )

Now has a re-telling in progress focusing on the Equestrians' side of things, A Stranger Among the Voices

Chapters (13)

Abderus was the first human to travel at superluminal speeds. His departure from Earth didn't go to plan, though, and now he finds himself marooned on an alien planet.

Chapters (6)