• Member Since 12th Jan, 2013


A.K.A.: 8th-Sin "Unrelenting, both in texture and in fortitude."

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This story is a sequel to The Dragonfly Lake

Berry Punch and Anon have traveled to Prance, at long last! They've managed to not get sick on the flight, and they've managed to find a place to stay in a small town on the outskirts of a major city. Everything is going great... but then Berry is shown in shocking, glowing color something that her life is missing.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, inuendo, and thoughts about pregnancy/childbirth. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by Esc. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)

Deep within the forest of Kettle Mane, a compilation of pages from the Book of All Stories begins to surprise Fizzy Glitch with it's power.

A story from Scattered Pages - Tales from the Book of All Stories -- A Limited Run book for Ponyville Ciderfest 2023

Art by Eighth

Chapters (1)

Princess Twilight has just ascended to her throne of friendship and is prepared to tackle her new duties, but Princess Celestia has something of grave importance for her to do first.

She wants her to meet her family.

Chapters (20)

Living life is hard, especially when you're a recently reformed supervillain with no prospects, no money, and nothing but a lot of pent up energy and anger.
So what do you do?
Start a heavy metal band, of course.
The music may be said to split the earth and raise the dead, but it's better than the crap on the radio these days.

Oh, heads up, this is a humanized story.
Also I rule 63'd Discord and Luna in this story because it's more interesting.
If that makes you sperg out, oops.

Chapters (25)

Equestria is full of wonders, and one among them spent his life defending all others and now, at the end of his days, as his soul ascends the roots of Yggdrasil to the golden halls, he finds himself called upon again to see many more. Truth be told, a peaceful oblivion might have been preferable.

Chapters (29)

The Fluttershark: elusive; yellow and pink; lots of teeth.

Also practices friendship. Underwater.

Swim faster.

Cover image taken with permission from Beach Day by Alasou.

Alternate forms:
* Youtube reading by StraightToThePointStudio
* Russian translation by GORynytch
* Chinese translation by Nova Twinkle
* Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Saying Goodbye

As her illness progresses, Berry Punch has to face the facts that sometimes she just can't do things. Saying that out loud and accepting it is a completely different matter. Especially when she's so afraid of dragging down someone she loves so much.

WARNING: Contains discussions of illness and death, depictions of illness, and sexual innuendo. No death or sex actually takes place.

This story is part of the Berry Punch's Broken Love series. You do not need to read the other parts to 'enjoy' this story.

Art by t72b. Go give them some love!!!

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to To Have and To Hold

It ain't always easy, regaining what you lost.

Especially when you've been missing it for years.

Written for Appledash Contest #6 - "Go Big or Go Home".
Inspired by the original art by Heir-of-Rick.
Edited by AstralMouse, SaddlesoapOpera and Snowybee.

Chapters (4)

Moonie, in lieu of performing Dark Magic, decides to adopt a dog.

Written for Eighth

A Non-Canon Fan-Content for Moonie Shorts

Reading by Straight To The Point Studios

Chapters (1)

All you wanted was a nice day in the park to relax. But soon, you're conscripted as a secret agent, underground, trying to deal with all manner of bullshit. Why is Bon Bo-I MEAN Special Agent Sweetie Drops dragging you everywhere, and what's at the center of this maze?

WARNING!: Contains puns.

Co-written with Eighth, who is nice and sweet and ruins all my best laid plans. <3

Chapters (1)