• Member Since 16th Apr, 2012


Tired, But Trying (Taking Hope In G5)

I Can't Even... 2 stories
Found 2 stories in 29ms
Total Words: 10,193
Estimated Reading: 40 minutes



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When Twilight was still Ponyville's unicorn librarian, she learned a surprising secret from Rarity.

Twilight surprised Rarity with a secret of her own.

Warning: This story is silly, and contains at least one plot twist (some people don't like those.)

(Image Source: I edited a picture by "DimBulb," with DimBulb's kind permission.
The original image is, of course, bigger, better and cuter. :twilightsmile:)

Chapters (1)

Note: I managed to hack into Hasbro files and find the entire plot of Equestria Girls 3. Now you will read it.

When the Shadowcolts show up, the Mane Six, the Dazzlings, Twilight Sparkle, and Human Twilight (that makes 11) need to defeat them using sports magic. Also, background characters make appearances. :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (8)