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Contains spoilers for Season 7, Episode 10: "A Royal Problem," as it takes place the evening after the events in that episode. The episode itself serves largely as a framing device, however.

Long ago, Luna turned into a twisted, evil version of herself, and Celestia remained to watch over Equestria. Yet Celestia has wondered whether she too could turn into a "Nightmare"... and she's speculated about what she would become.

She has kept these thoughts to herself, but when Celestia and her sister witness the former’s evil counterpart, "Daybreaker," in a nightmare, Luna notes that Celestia does not seem too surprised at her own "dark" side...

The next evening, Luna asks Celestia for her thoughts on Daybreaker - and asks what exactly would turn Celestia into such a monster...

Proofread by SPark.

Chapters (1)

When Derpy must out of town for a week and needs somepony to take care of Dinky while she is gone, she calls for Dinky's aunt to look after her until she's back. And Dinky absolutely hates it.
Her aunt is always patronizing her by trying to protect her from things she doesn't even need protection from!
For Dinky, it's frustrating and annoying and it makes her angry. All that Dinky wants is to be treated with respect by her aunt and do the things she wants to do, but her aunt just doesn't listen.....
What lies ahead of Dinky is the worst week of her life.

For the full list of characters appearing in this fic, look at the top of Chapter 1!

01:10 AM (CET): 107 views in a little more than four hours! Thanks for letting this story skyrocket!

2016/07/06: And now "Aunt Millie" made it to Popular Stories too! Huge THANK YOU to everypony who made this possible! :scootangel:

2016/22/11: "Aunt Millie" got some fanart! :scootangel: You can view it here:


Chapters (13)

Just when Twilight’s at the end of her rope, weighed down with her latest mistake, Discord pays her a surprise visit for a “dance lesson.” Grudgingly she accepts and finds that there’s more to be had from Discord’s lesson than a simple dance routine. Sometimes it takes an intervention to see what should have been obvious from the start.

A collab with my best friend, Miranda Laufeyson. Couldn't have done it without her!

Now with an audio recording by Crafty Arts! Check it out.

Cover art by BlazeMizu on deviantart. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

Luna just had a close encounter of the the holiday kind. After nearly avoiding getting hit by a flying sleigh, Luna rescues a reindeer filly and tries to find her parents. Meanwhile, a curmudgeonly unicorn wants to shut down the Hearth's Warming Pageant. Is Luna up to the task of saving both?


Chapters (1)

Helping a lost filly find her way home should have been a walk in the park for Princess Twilight Sparkle, but this time things turned out to be a bit stranger than she was expecting.

Chapters (1)

After a disastrous tax cut puts a dent in the royal coffers, Celestia and Luna are stuck cleaning their own libraries. Boredom quickly sets in, and soon the princesses are searching for amusement in a room full of ancient and powerful knowledge.

On a different note, have you ever wondered how the first pony was made?

Written for Equestria Daily's Writer's Training Grounds.

Chapters (1)

Royal Guard Silver Birch knows Princess Luna's history, and her... extreme reactions to being neglected in the past. When it seems Luna has been snubbed yet again, he and his partner Winter Garden take action to shield their Princess from this slight, and spare Equestria her terrible wrath.

(Inspired by a really dumb blog I did.)

Chapters (1)

Applejack has developed an odor. Rarity sets out to remedy the situation, with or without Applejack's consent.

Warning, contains: Non-consensual scrubbing.
Cover image by kittyhawk-contrail.
Full-cast dramatic reading by ObabScribbler.

Based on this story: Get Dirty | Get Clean: Deodourizing | Get clean 2, the scrubbing

Chapters (1)

Luna being free from her guilt, visits Celestia in her dream to have a talk.
Luna notices something off in Celestia's dream, so she uses the Tantabus find the source of the problem. The Tantabus gets loose and causes Celestia to live her worse nightmare.

What will this reveal about Celestia?
What it change between these two?

Written as a writing prompt to Do Princesses Dream of Magic Sheep?

Cover art by 90Sigma

Special thanks for EloquentElephant http://www.fimfiction.net/user/EloquentElephant for editing this!

Chapters (1)

While trying to make her family tree, Rainbow Dash finds her mother's family totally missing from public records. Maybe with Twilight's help, she'll learn something about her ancestry.


Editing and creative help from BionicBrony

Chapters (1)