• Member Since 25th Apr, 2015


All hail, Twilight Sparkle.

Favourites 15 stories
Found 8 stories in 35ms

Total Words: 21,597
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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After eating an incredibly spicy burrito, Rainbow Dash discovers some blood on the toilet paper the next morning. Dash panics and rushes to Twilight, who then accompanies her to the doctor.

Unfortunately, her issue is beyond Doctor Stable's expertise. He refers Dash to Doctor A. Scope, a proctologist, for a more thorough examination.

A parody of "X does Y" stories.

Thanks to ZOMG, Proper Noun, Pyrotechnic, ajvasquezbrony28, ValorlordV5, and Sir Rustbucket for editing.

Rated Teen for... Oh, c'mon, you know what you're getting into!

Chapters (1)

This story is a prequel to The Origin of "Camouflage"

While working on the Rock Farm with her sisters, Maud comes across a special little rock that is different than all the others.

It's love at first sight.

Cover art made by PrinceCelestia

Now with Dramatic Reading by PonyStemCell

French version by Vinz

Chapters (1)

Why is Fluttershy so painfully shy?

Why do we never hear about her parents in the show?

I have decided to answer these questions with my own little headcanon story. Enjoy!

Flagged teen for domestic violence.

Featured on 12-30-14.

Chapters (1)

After having sweet, passionate love in the Apple Home, Caramel and Applejack start to panic over the possibility that Apple Bloom might have witnessed their "special adult time".

Did the little filly see them do it, or didn't she? That's the question.

Inspired by an episode of "The King of Queens" (very under-rated show)

Rated teen for the mention of sex, but the sex scene itself is not included.

Image by: http://bronyvectors.deviantart.com/

Chapters (1)

You are Anonymous the lone human in equestria. You work on sweet apple acres and after a fun game with applebloom and applejack. something goes wrong. A misunderstanding makes awkward situations.

My fifth story in the Heartwarming moment series.
Who's next?

Chapters (1)

Something seems wrong with Rainbow Dash. She's acting nice, caring, considerate, loving, helpful, bubbly and sweet.

In other words, the complete opposite of how she normally acts!

Special thanks to the amazing Salty Zebra for the cover art!

Special thanks to Charzoid for doing a YouTube reading of this story! Check out the video here and her channel here.

Chapters (1)

Flash has a close encounter with who he assumes is the Twilight he already knows. But this one is a little bit different than the princess of friendship.

The cover art is a cropped version of this lovely comic right here.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy and Twilight go on a walk together. Fluttershy leads Twilight to her favourite trail in a forest that Twilight barely knew existed.

But how are you supposed to enjoy a good walk when your tour guide disappears?

Chapters (1)