• Member Since 24th Jan, 2012


"Gold for the merchant, silver for the maid / Copper for the craftsman, cunning in his trade / 'Good', laughed the Baron, sitting in his hall / But iron - cold iron - shall be the master of them all."

Good Stories 45 stories
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Total Words: 1,592,979
Estimated Reading: 4 days



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Each of the Bearers of Harmony came to that first Grand Galloping Gala with a dream in her heart and dreadfully few relevant facts in her mind. Rarity dreamt of finding her Prince Charming. She knew his name, appearance, and not much else.

But in this timeline, one of her friends has her back.

Chapters (1)

Celestia brought the storm to heal the land.

Daybreaker came too.

Cover art from the gallery of NCMares.

Spanish translation, by SPANIARD-KIWI. Russian translation, by oranzinispegasas.

Chapters (1)

The Fluttershark: elusive; yellow and pink; lots of teeth.

Also practices friendship. Underwater.

Swim faster.

Cover image taken with permission from Beach Day by Alasou.

Alternate forms:
* Youtube reading by StraightToThePointStudio
* Russian translation by GORynytch
* Chinese translation by Nova Twinkle
* Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Chapters (3)

Every holiday has its aftermath and for Rarity, the day after Hearth's Warming means a well-established groove of frustration leading a parade of ponies into the Boutique. But she has absolute confidence in her ability to get through it. She's heard the songs, she knows what the most threadbare of floats looks like... having it happen every year just allows her to benefit from experience.

For example, the myriad of seasonal murder fantasies now know exactly which vital arteries to strike.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading required part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group: new members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.

Chapters (1)

There aren’t McRibs in Equestria, but that won’t stop a pony who wants her McRib fix. If they can’t be had at the Hayburger, it’s not that much of a stretch to commute to Alliance, Nebraska and get one.

Or maybe two, because right now they’re two for six at participating locations.

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Apocrypha for the Flash Sentry Papers.

Flash Sentry, hero of Equestria and all-round cad, reckoned a peaceful posting in the Crystal Empire would keep him far away from any danger. He reckoned wrong.

Written for Tumbleweed for the Springtime Sandbox-Slash-Sandbox Switcheroo.

Russian translation, by GrandCat.

Chapters (5)

For years Nightmare Moon was considered "nothing but an old pony tale," but what did those tales actually say about her? See Luna, Celestia, and Discord as viewed through pony myths and legends.

I may add more short stories on in the future as new chapters.

Image courtesy of anbolanos91 on Deviant Art. Thank you! :)

Chapters (6)

IRS Scammers. We all hate them, and in Equestria, it's no different. Once technology advanced to the point of phones and computers, scamming came with it.

Unfortunately, not everypony is as gullible as some other nasty people would like.

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Featured on EQD 11/26/18!

Chapters (29)

The yearly flu has struck Ponyville once more and countless ponies are resting up at home, surrounded by used tissues and bowls of various home remedies.

Unfortunately, this year's variation of the age old sniffles has an unexpected new symptom: Spontaneous bursts of supervillianry.

Fortunately, none of them are any good at it.

Chapters (6)

Princess Celestia is very concerned about Equestrians’ lack of visits to their primary care physician, and Twilight and her friends are happy to help out on a public health campaign by filming a documentary about their visit to the doctor.

Thing is, they might not be the best ponies for a health campaign...

EDIT: Heyyyy, Featured #2 9/18! Thanks a bunch!
EDIT: Number one same day- glad you all enjoyed!
EDIT: Late Nite 9/20- lmao how is this still at #1
EDIT: Finally off number 1 but it took to 9/21. Actually means a bunch that everyone liked this silly little story :D

Chapters (1)