For a thousand years, Canterlot Castle has stood as a bastion of order, hope, and prosperity for all. In those thousand years, there have been some off days.
Today happens to be one of those days. Unfortunately.
"And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him." - Col 3:17
For a thousand years, Canterlot Castle has stood as a bastion of order, hope, and prosperity for all. In those thousand years, there have been some off days.
Today happens to be one of those days. Unfortunately.
An alien scientist is startled when Pinkie Pie stumbles across his ship in the woods near Ponyville. For him Pinkie is a problem: he's not allowed to make contact with intelligent natives.
Pinkie Pie is overjoyed when she stumbles across an alien spaceship in the woods near Ponyville. For her the alien is a new friend, to be given a Welcome to Ponyville party with all sorts of treats.
Of course, the alien is really alien- a methane-breather who can't leave his refrigerated ship. His biochemistry is very different from a pony's. Can Pinkie Pie find something he can eat that isn't poison? And can he keep other ponies from finding his hiding place and forcing him to leave before he's had his party?
Tied for second place in the Science Fiction Contest II. First draft released early as a Patreon exclusive, now posted here in edited form for everybody.
EDIT: Wow! Straight to the top of the Featured list! Thanks, everyone!
Part of the Remember Fort Libris print anthology, thanks to our Kickstarter supporters!
Right Angle, Ponyville's resident building inspector, has seen a lot of strange domiciles in his life. Twilight Sparkle's castle, however, just might be the strangest.
The castle seems to think so, too.
Inspired by a discussion with the lovely Perfectly Insane. A big thank you to ChudoJogurt, gapty, and AllThatShimmers for prereading.
Ko-Fi. Y'know. If you feel like it.
This story is a sequel to I Don't Want to Grow Up
Celestia was a filly living on an isolated farm with her sister and harboring dreams of greatness. Chrysalis was a black goo poured out from a screaming wound in the walls of reality, with a weak grasp on the appropriate amount of fangs one should have. Friendship was inevitable.
Image used with permission from miszasta
Editing by the wonderful Carabas and FanOfMostEverything
Pre-reading and suggestions by bloons3
Can the Crystal Empire survive an attack from Chrysalis' most powerful weapon?
Thanks to Speccer for some proofreading and 2ManySnacks for the idea.
Vesperquines—batponies—have faithfully guarded Equestria's night for a thousand years. Apart from Celestia, they alone have kept the memory of Princess Luna alive in their hearts. And they alone know of their failure, of how they were not the friends she needed when jealousy and despair gnawed at her.
They pray for a second chance. They vow to do better.
And then, one night, miraculously, she returns.
But the princess whose memory they cherish is still lost to her mad fury. And for a young recruit of the Night Guard, the nightmare has just begun.
Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.
Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.
She begins with Nightmare Moon.
This story is the first in a series. The other stories can be found below.
1. For Want of a Horseshoe <-- you are here
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing
Cover art provided by the excellent Sini.
Shortly after her coronation as the new Princess of Equestria, Twilight is visited by a creature she never expected to see in person. What's even more unexpected than the identity of this petitioner, though, is his reason for coming.
Maintenant en Français grâce à la traduction merveilleuse d'Acylius!
(Now available in French thanks to the wonderful work of Acylius!)
Partially inspired by the Imposing Sovereigns II contest under the prompt "Twilight/The Old."
Celestia is a princess, elegant, regal, and certainly not secretly trying to mess with everyone around her for her own amusement...
Brought to you by watching Jordanis play Untitled Goose Game a bunch. Plus having Celestia be the goose instead of making Celestia deal with the goose was also his idea, and he edited it super well, so pretty much this is Jordanis' story, I just wrote bits of it.
Story is now complete!
Series finale spoilers.
Many years following the War of the Bell, Equestria is at rest, the land is filled with creatures living in peace, and friendship and the elements of harmony rein supreme. Princess Twilight Sparkle has grown in both maturity and wisdom as well as power, and, as royal advisor, Spike could not be happier with his life.
If only there wasn't the once-a-year event which seems to hurt his princess and friend so badly...
Why does she keep putting herself through this?
Cover art is property of Hasbro, Allspark Studios, and DHX Media.