• Member Since 8th Jul, 2013

Sugar Swirl

My excuse is mental illness.

Random 6 stories
  • Random 6 stories - 0 unread chapters Because that happened. Thermal apple.
    Created by Sugar Swirl
    - November, 2014
Found 6 stories in 32ms

Total Words: 14,399
Estimated Reading: 57 minutes



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Rainbow Dash has been saving a lot of ponies lately.

This worries Twilight, because there used to not even be enough ponies to save on the schedule that Rainbow Dash saves them. So she runs some numbers and comes to a startling conclusion

Written for F**K THIS PROMPT #14

Chapters (1)

Not to be confused with the superior and wholly unrelated My Roommate Is a Vampire by Dennis the Menace (which you should go read instead of this if you haven't already!)

Short, silly Octascratch wherein Vinyl Scratch comes home to Octavia in an awesome vampire cape. Has Vinyl become a terrifying creature of dark passions? Will Octavia be amused? (Spoilers: no.) Is there a twist where it's not Vinyl who's the vampire but Octavia instead? (Spoiler: also no.) Or perhaps Vinyl has simply been reading way too many vampire novels recently? (Spoiler: it's that one!)

Cover image from the talented namelesshero2222.

Now with a Youtube reading by the delightful ObabScribbler!

Chapters (2)

Cheerilee decided that she would allow each pony in her class to choose what the nature of their homework should be. That was her first mistake.

The second was to think that Scootaloo was serious.

Chapters (1)

Nopony knew Scootaloo was an orphan. Scootaloo didn't know who her parents were. After discovering her secret, Twilight casts a spell that can show the young filly her parents. The result will change both their lives forever.

Edited by LunaSol, Templar22 and Bpkyle777

Chapters (3)

Celestia has to deal with political unrest every year. However, this year, they found some... "interesting" facts about their leader. Now celestia must convince the ponies that she is still a competent and worthy ruler.
thanks to Everyann for rushing this artwork for me

Chapters (1)

Jelly Cube is a friendly pony with no memory of his life. He awakens outside of ponyville with amnesia and enlists the help of Rainbow Dash and her friends to figure out who he is. Will he figure out his past? Read on to find out,

Chapters (1)