• Member Since 18th Jan, 2014

Minds Eye

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Like Caramel on a Candy Apple 20 stories
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Long ago, Commander Hurricane set an example that still resonates with all pegasi who fall in love with their ground bound kin. Every pegasus knows the story, the tradition is deeply engrained and held dear to their hearts.

Now, if only Twilight could curb her curiosity long enough to enjoy and appreciate just how important she is to Rainbow.

Pre-reading and editing assistance by Melon Hunter and Timaeus.

Art originally by ELZZombie

Chapters (1)

Moondancer conned her neighbor, Trixie, into giving her some solitude when she was a filly, and now she tries to make amends by applying Friendship Theory.

Minds Eye
Reneigh Haycart, Not_A_Hat, ZodiacSpear

Featured on Equestria Daily

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows that the future is predestined; the very existence of cutie marks proves it. Still, Minuette isn't so sure that she has to make the same mistakes twice.

Two ponies look to the future, and all the while one looks back to the present.

Chapters (1)

Lyra Heartstrings is a mare who often goes about life with her head in the clouds. Always dreaming, always fantasizing about what could be. She sees her friends and so many others enjoying sharing their lives with that special someone, and wishes that she could as well. To find that special someone she can be herself with and not be afraid, even if that self is a less than socially graceful.

When a chance meeting with a stallion—who is often too laid back for his own good—occurs, it brings about that possibility she's been dreaming of. Music was always her secret passion, and now, it seems that the song of her heart might get what she's been wanting.

Or are things too good to be true again?

A huge thanks to Meridian Prime for his time to edit this story, my little niece for the cover art, and all the people in the YMLT chat who had to suffer my numerous brainstorming ideas. Also a huge thanks to my pre-readers Zomg and Foals Errand. All of you rock!

Chapters (6)

A pair of unlucky ponies are lucky to meet one another.

A short and sweet story about a first date.

Thanks to SMXSonic, Fistofbrick, and Sage Probo for pre-reading and editing.
Also thanks to my followers for putting up with me lately.

Chapters (1)

Written as one of my two entries for Everfree Northwest's fanfiction competition, this story tackles the friendship that everypony hopes to see: the resolution between Twilight Sparkle and Trixie, as told in a series of letters. However, how can two ponies who are so different make peace? And will a misunderstood letter destroy the fragile cease-fire between these two powerful unicorns?

Winner of the 2015 Everfree Northwest Scribblefest Contest, and was printed in the conbook! :heart:


Letters From the Capital, by Apple Bottoms

Really, really well done correspondence trope. Both characters stand out as unique and multi-dimensional. The story and plot are there, but not forced, and there’s a lovely emotional component as well. Together, it all fits very naturally as a story of new friendship.


For such a restrictive word limit, Apple Bottoms manages to weave a touching narrative that, somehow, doesn’t feel constrained by the word limit. Or by the format. Trixie and Twilight are both given room to be themselves, and the story just feels good to read. In a contest full of standouts, Letters From The Capital still manages to stand a cut above.

–Silver Flare

This story goes a route you don’t usually see in shorter fiction, but achieves this unexpected storyline because of the chosen format as a series of letters. In a contest where the the storyline is to make new friends, this one has the possible friendship first dip and weaken, threatening to break before it grows back into something stronger and more lasting than it was before. It is a kind of storyline I don’t recall seeing in any of the stories I read, and the same could be said for this format. A unique plot told in a unique way to give us a unique take on the contest prompt.

–Pen Stroke

Wooo! Let’s hear it for our winner! Apple Bottoms will also have their full story printed in the convention conbook after a full edit. In addition, they will receive a 1st place patch, custom engraved high quality pen and pen holder declaring them an award-winning author, several Everfree Northwest contest pens (for more casual use), messenger bag, be invited to an interview to be posted online and featured by Everfree Northwest, a $20 Amazon gift card, and an assortment of EFNW merch.

Chapters (3)

In a small hiccup of insensitivity, Rarity finds out a secret Rainbow Dash hid from everypony she knew, and does so in a way she regrets.

To fix her mistake involves a trade, a fear for a fear.

Rainbow Dash decides to tackle one of these by taking her to a place where few ponies ever go.

To get to that place, they're going to go up.

Prereading and Editing done by HoofBitingActionOverload and Outcast9851
Cover art can be found here

Chapters (2)

Applejack tells Fluttershy about the great oak tree atop a hill on the farm. It was the first one she ever planted, y'see. That doesn't have anything to do with why Granny Smith is in the hospital, and why Applejack isn't there.

Nope. Not at all.

Editing and prereading by Minds Eye, ZOMG, and Auramane

Featured in the RCL, Equestria Daily, and The Royal Guard.

Chapters (3)

Rainbow Dash hates getting up early to go through such a tedious routine. It's a waste of valuable time. She could be sleeping or enjoying a few extra moments with her marefriend in their nice, warm bed.

Of course, that doesn't mean she can't have a bit of fun with it.

Preread/Edited by The Albinocorn, Foals Errand, Lambent Dream, and Timaeus

Cover Art by zeroexe109 can be found here.

Chapters (1)

It's that time of year again. The leaves are turning, the air is cooling, and the chimneys are smoking.

But to a young Shining Armor, this can only mean one thing: pony flu season has arrived. And, thanks to his mother, this inevitably means a date with the dreaded needle.

Only this time, Shining isn't the only one who has to be worried. His filly sister is coming along for the ride for the first time... albeit, against her will.

And despite having fears of his own, Shining Armor knows that, for Twilight's sake... somepony has to be brave.

Warning: Cuteness abound.

Featured on Equestria Daily on 12/17/2014.

Chapters (1)