Flash Sentry took a cookie from a plate meant for Shining Armor. There was something else in those cookies.
Warning: Ogaudno.
Flash proofread by Minds Eye. Inspired by TL chat. Celestia help you all.
Flash Sentry took a cookie from a plate meant for Shining Armor. There was something else in those cookies.
Warning: Ogaudno.
Flash proofread by Minds Eye. Inspired by TL chat. Celestia help you all.
Their mission is of unparalleled importance. Failure is not an option. This metal box in the kitchen will reveal its secrets to our heroines. For the greater good of pony kind, Twilight Sparkle and Pinkie Pie will conduct the most important experiment of their lives...
"So, is it a good idea to microwave this?"
Ding ding.
While teaching Spike math one afternoon, Twilight comes up with a solution of 'sixty-nine'. Spike can't stop laughing enough to tell her what's so funny, so she's going to find out.
Oh, she will find out.
Edited by Syeekoh
Preread by RainbowRick, thanks to both of you!
This was originally meant to be my sixty-nine follower special, but other stuff came up and...yeah. I eventually got around to it. Enjoy!
She swore she'd left the life. She'd hung up her sunglasses and her rapier wit, trading it for a modest life of attempted world domination followed by a little redemptive pennance. But it was not to be.
With Equestria fallen to a second changeling invasion, and every one of their greatest heroes felled and imprisoned, it will fall to her to raise the mic and attitude once more.
The burn-meista is back.
Twilight summons a Tyrannosaurs Rex to Ponyville with disastrous results!
Chris Redfield, Certified Badass Boulder Puncher Extraordinaireâ„¢, likes to believe that he's prepared for anything. But when he's sent to another world by uncertain means, the sight of a big grey monstrosity and a small alabaster unicorn brings up painfully repressed memories....
Not meant to be taken seriously in the slightest.