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Because sometimes, just because you're immortal doesn't make you invulnerable. Sometimes, the one you're more proud of than anything else is the one that respects you the most, and sometimes respect goes deeper than either of you had ever realised.

Additionally, because sometimes an author wants to try and write something that doesn't end in horse sex, but instead adorable hugging and stuff. If this doesn't work out I'll probably go on and add some horse sex later, because people always like to see that, but I hope people enjoy it. My first foray into a full sized shipping fic, so please tell me what I screwed up.

EDIT: Updated with grammar improvements/education courtesy of the incredibly helpful kits.

Chapters (3)

Because sometimes, a finale isn't the end. Sometimes, pure evil just means you have more to lose.

A changeling's body is the plaything of her mind - but can a changeling ever really change her stripes?

Also because I've wanted to try something approximating an adventure story for a while. If there's any demand for it, I'll continue it properly, otherwise I'll just wrap it up quickly.

Chapters (5)

In the aftermath of one of Pinkie's parties, an innocent query leads Dash to question why she's still living with Pinkie Pie. Why does she feel trapped when there's nothing holding her back?

And how many buildings can Pinkie Pie destroy before insurance companies stop covering 'acts of Pinkie Collateral Damage Pie'?

This story is an indirect sequel related to Where Earth Meets Sky, but can be read just fine on its own. It simply assumes a previously established relationship.

Chapters (6)

[2nd Person Perspective]

Working as a waiter at Canterlot's various social gatherings is a nice job. Especially since you began chatting with the cello player of the usual quartet, Octavia. You've gotten to know a lot about her, but one night there seems to be something on her mind. You offer her a drink to ease her nerves and you bring your glasses together in cheers.

Next thing you know, you wake up in a strange hotel room in a town you've never been to next to a certain gray mare.

Art by John Joseco

Chapters (10)

(2nd Person Story)

You were starstruck by her. It's like you were under a magical love spell. But there's no way you can tell her your feelings. I mean, eventually she'll move to perform in another town, and you'll forget all about her.


Chapters (6)

A sequel to 'Forbidden Fruit' - Months have passed since Applejack's and Twilight Sparkle's adventure to retrieve a piece of life-giving fruit, and Granny Smith has successfully recovered from her illness. Though they became incredibly close during their journey and learned much from each other, they never became anything more. As they'll soon discover, however, there's still more they can learn from one another - much more.

Fic is rated Teen for alcohol use, language, and romantic situations.
Featured on FiM Fiction! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (21)

During Rainbow Dash's first interaction with her friends' Pony Pet Play-Date, she was determined to get herself a pet. However, the way she went about getting one didn't sit well with one particular pony. Having had enough of the Pegasus and her lack of compassion, Twilight Sparkle makes both a brave and stupid challenge that leaves Dash and the rest of her friends wondering if she had gone insane. However, Twilight was determined to teach Dash a lesson, even if it meant getting humiliated. What fate had in store for the unicorn and Pegasus was not what anypony had expected, especially Twilight and Rainbow themselves.

Chapters (6)

When a mishap occurs with Celestia's bathroom scale, an ancient protocol that may just doom Equestria is set into motion. With the entire palace staff now conspiring against her, the sun goddess must not only contend mountains of paper work, dancing celery sticks, and steroid pumped stallions, but a sister who will take this chance to torture Celestia any way she can as payback for her banishment. Lock the cupboards and barricade the fridge! It's the Royal Diet!

Now with TVTropes page! :http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/ASliceOfLife

Chapters (12)

This is the story of a young pegasus stallion, or you specifically. After the passing of your mother, and your ever increasing distant father, your brother has never felt safe in the cloud home. Afraid of heights and normal life in Cloudsdale, you decide to abandon your former life to start a new one on the ground, in a town called Ponyville. While there you find a cute mare that runs the local post office who goes by the name of Ditzy Doo.

Chapters (15)

Let's just say your luck with the mares isn't all that great, two months in Ponyville and you've had your heart stomped on more times than you can count. That coupled with the fact you've lost your job, your house, and have barely enough bits to feed yourself means your life isn't exactly going so great. And after another botched attempt at a relationship you're ready to swear off of the whole dating game for good.
But after a night of drunken debauchery you awaken to find yourself in the service of Ponyville's premiere fashionista, you're willing to forget your previous pledge to the single life after she proves herself to be the kindest and most generous pony you've ever met, but only time will tell if she'll be your future lover or the next in line of a long list of mare's who you'd rather forget.

Chapters (25)