• Member Since 25th Sep, 2012

Aurora Star

Aurora Star is an humble unicorn from Canterlot, who recently moved to Ponyville. He’s well educated and doesn't stop to broaden his horizon. He also has a sweet tooth.

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  • Featured 24654 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Wind Sprints mom, Clear Sky, is going to meet her old friend, Berry Punch, also known as Ruby Pinch's mom. The two mothers also thought this a great opportunity for their daughters to make friends!

Problem is, these fillies don't want to make friends with each other. But sometimes, you are placed in a situation where you need to.
It's for the cookies...

(Entry for The May 2021 Pairing Contest)
(Cover art by none other than me! 😋)

Chapters (2)

Ditzy Doo has long been seen as Ponyville's kind, albeit klutzy, mail mare, and seeing her around the town over the years has long been iconic to the locals.

That is until Twilight Sparkle finds out there was actually a bit more to it than was let on...

Cover art by C-Puff

Featured 2/26/2021

Chapters (1)

The Royal Guard wouldn't be the Royal Guard without ponies working in Recruitment, yet for one recruiter it's not the most fun and exciting job in the world.

However, this recruiter's day is about to get pretty interesting when someone turns up wanting to apply for the Royal Guard Academy, someone the recruiter was never prepared for.

Fanfic Reading by StraightToThePoint

Chapters (1)

So yeah, Gallus was happy enough he supposed. Had a great boyfriend, and actual friends. Life was good.

...except for ongoing debates on if being gay should be allowed. Stallions were a precious thing, and well mares outnumbered them ten to one. So what did that make a stallion wanting to date another guy? Gallus, faced with the potential ending of his relationship, worries and then he speaks out. Loudly, in fact.

Written for the Pride and Positivity event. You can help out too by donating to a charity at one of these links.
Black Lives Matter - Where to Donate
Support Black People MasterDoc

Chapters (1)

"I got a bad habit,/And it ain't goin' away." -The Offspring, 'Bad Habit'

Gallus is known for his habit of using....certain language that shouldn't be used in school. Headmare Starlight Glimmer has offered a solution to help with this problem: a swear jar. But for some reason, she insists that I help by being in charge of the jar. What in Celestia's name did I do to deserve this?

Cover art drawn by DeadParrot222.

Chapters (1)

"There are things that drift away,/Like our endless, numbered days." -Iron & Wine, 'Passing Afternoon'

Apple Bloom and Spike have a secret book club. While they enjoy their books, sometimes the world of fiction doesn't always provide the escape they'd hope.

Cover image drawn by Smeallie on Twitter. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

While babysitting the cake twins, a now-adult Sweetie Belle is forced to come to grips with something the entire town did years ago and once she does, her relationship with her two closest friends will never be the same.

This was a request from a patron which I wrote awhile ago (Which I forgot to post here) and was viewable earlier for said patrons. Head over here if you want a story like this or to see stories early for just 3$!

Chapters (1)

“But I'm going nowhere, getting there soon,/I might as well just sink down with you.” -Fountains Of Wayne, ‘Sink To The Bottom’

Gallus and Silverstream are finally a serious couple. This, of course, gives Silverstream the idea of having the them visit her parents in Seaquestria. Gallus isn’t sure what he dreads more: meeting the hippogriff’s parents or the water.

Cover art commissioned from TwistedSketch.

Chapters (4)

Anon is woken up early to find that Princess Celestia has found it necessary to inform him of an ancient Equestrian law that concerns him. Of course he would make a good personal masseuse, right?

Rated teen for foul language and a tiny bit of lewd references.

This is an anonymous commission! Feel free to contact me if you’re looking for a commission as well!

Cover art by Mercurial64! 1988247

Chapters (1)

(This story takes place between School Daze and Heartwarming Club)

Sandbar’s family makes a visit to the school of friendship to spend the day and check up on him. Which means one thing most importantly, Sandbar gets to introduce all his friends to his baby sister! All his friends are excited and eager to get to know the little pony, that is except for Gallus and Smolder. Fortunately (or unfortunately depending on who is involved), a moment which involved a lost little filly and skipping class might change that.

Chapters (4)