• Member Since 27th Aug, 2012


The gentleman that enjoys bad movies, bad music, and little girl's shows.

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This was supposed to be a normal Saturday.
I was trying to sleep in (which is normal), my head ended up sopping wet (which is slightly less normal) and a fictional pink pony ended up in my room (which is everything else than normal).
Hilarity and exasperation ensues.

Chapters (1)

A cold, calculating assassin is teleported to the magical land of Equestria due to the unstable powers of the siren, Lilith. Will our awkward, haiku-obsessed hero be able to adapt to the Magic of Friendship, or will he simply end up murdering everything in sight like he's used to? Let's hope its the former.
Only one thing is truly known, this was a challenge he was NOT prepared for!

Borderlands/MLP crossover. Challenge Accepted.

Cover art by steptrool on DeviantArt

Chapters (16)

Gucci Mane, a rapper hailing from Georgia, escapes death only to end up in a hospital bed. Where he is, how he survived, and what's happened in the time he's been out become void subjects once he finds some drugs and talking horses moseying around a town. When all else fails when trying to explain it to himself, more drugs becomes an option.

Watch as the iciest rapper out there tackles the freakiest experience any human could ever hope to encounter: Ending up in Equestria. Let's just hope things won't take a violent turn for the worse once Gucci realizes what he's seeing is real. Pfft, like that'll happen, right?

"I just want to let everyone know that I'm not a murderer." - Radric "Gucci Mane" Davis

Chapters (3)

After having relationship issues with Derpy Hooves, Lyra decides to leave the Equestrian world. She lands in the strange new world of the Boondocks. Specifically in Riley's bedroom. What nigga related chaos will ensue?

Chapters (3)

Vinyl Scratch, Octavia and Lyra have their very own band.
But a mysterious singer is dominating the whole band industry with his crazy, horrible CDs.
The three ponies-along with an unexpected companion-ravel together to meet this mysterious new singer, and try to reveal his true identity and get back their position as the best band in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

When your life is as dull a gray as the world that surrounds you, the mundanities can make it all seem meaningless. Sometimes all we need is a little color -- or six -- to reintroduce us to what truly makes life worth living.

*6-16-2017 Edit, added Rainbow Dash tag because it triggered knighty.*

Chapters (1)

Scootaloo has the ultimate plan to get out of school, if she can only fool her mom. Sure, she might be found out if her mother freaks and takes her to the hospital, but that’s about the worst that could happen, right?
Scootaloo is best cancer patient.

Edited by Spabble.

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Hey, everyone. OtterMatt here. Just for the record, I’m not coming back to FimFic. Not ever. I’m sorry to say it, but my life has moved on, as it were, and writing just isn’t a part of it anymore. That being said, I love these stories of mine very much. There’s a lot of myself that I put into them, and at least a couple people have told me that these stories meant a lot to them as well. So, for those people, and for anyone else who enjoys my work in the future, I’m charging my friend Spabble here with curating my completed stories. Thank you all for the love, the faves, and the support as I grew and learned. Keep doing what you love, and the best of luck to you all.

Chapters (1)