• Member Since 21st Aug, 2012


Hello, everyone! Rasbunny here, taking a delightful new adventure into the endless world of fan fiction, this time, for my personal favorite, Ponies! I'll be sure to write a bunch, and read and rate a bunch too! Please feel free to talk to me, I don't bite! If you have a gaiaonline account, I use the same username (Rasbunny), so feel free to add me!

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Could you imagine what it's been like for Hatsune Miku, living as a computer generated vocal synthesizer? Her and the rest of the Vocaloid gang have been singing and making music for the longest time, but on one faithful day, when a human decides to use Miku's software to synth a song from My Little Pony, let's just say something...interesting happens. (This fic is dedicated to a certain special someone who I know, along with all you other huge Vocaloid fans, fellow Otakus, Musicians, etc.)

Chapters (1)