Teacher by day, editor by night.
Total Words: 1,918,996
Estimated Reading: 5 days
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Rainbow Dash is happily reading the latest Daring Do novel, only to be interrupted just before the last chapter by the untimely arrival of Pinkie. Undeterred by the interruption the two decide to read it together. Dash discovers then, that sharing your passion with a friend can lead to something more...
Now with audio version here by the awesome guys of Reading Rainboom.
Twilight was expecting to have a nice, relaxing morning bath. What she did not expect, was for Rainbow Dash to interrupt her by crashing through the window. Twilight, instead of yelling at Rainbow, invites her to take a bath together.
Princess Celestia writes a report to her teacher on what she has learned about mortality.
On EQD Sept. 7, 2012.
Hungarian translation by Shidotoku
Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI
As Discord finds himself in the darkness of his own mind, Celestia visits him momentarily to leave the creature with a memory of when the two were children.
Rarity wakes up one morning to notice her toenails are grossly overgrown. To fix this, she goes on an epic adventure to find her nailclippers. Oh, and Applejack's in this fic as well.
The long awaited sequel to Rarity's Hairbrush! https://www.fimfiction.net/story/39980/Rarity's-Hairbrush
Spitfire is just a young mare trying to find out where her future lies, but will that make her have to go through the truth? The truth hurts, and as for Spitfire, she has to make one of the most difficult choices of her life. Choosing her best friend, or someone she has just met.
Coming back to Canterlot shortly before Cadance's wedding to Shining Armor, Celestia and Cadance soon grow bored on the train ride and decide to have a bit of fun...at the expense of a sleeping Luna. Needless to say, the princess of the night is none too pleased with this development and decides to enact some revenge of her own. Hilarity ensues, and bananas may or may not be involved!
Had this idea when I first saw LoCeri's comic, and finally have some time and enough ideas to make a proper story out of it. Just a bit of random fun, not meant to be taken seriously!
Picture used with artist's permission, and seriously, if you haven't already seen his stuff, LoCeri has some awesome and hilarious comics and is definitely worthy of a follow! (Or at least a cookie)
For as long as time remembers, the old house on the hill has gone unnamed. Time doesn’t remember who lived there, and time doesn’t want to.
Whilst looking up at the sky, one human is surprised by a change in the night, and thrust down from the heavens, is a creature unlike any he has ever laid eyes on before. However, neither of the two has any understanding on how such circumstances will change their lives and feelings forever.
Not clop, but, heavy romance.
Inspired by a number of songs on my 'melancholy' playlist - most namely; InMe's 'Her Mask'.
I told myself I wouldn't bring it inside. I will never bring it inside. No matter what I do, that box is going to stay stranded out on that porch... else I only hurt myself again.
A thanks to my editor, Future, for being awesome.
cover image by johnjoseco