• Member Since 4th Mar, 2012


Simultaneously able to type 94 wpm and still take five years to finish a story. If you're feeling generous, throw a ko-fi at me.

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The Dazzlings work as delivery drivers for a pizzeria that, unfortunately, is losing more and more customers. But when they receive an order from a distant part of the world, along with a tempting amount of money, they see the perfect opportunity to save the pizzeria.
Unfortunately, the journey only becomes more and more complicated, throwing them into a series of amusing and delirious situations.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash was very good at volleyball, there were no doubts about it. Some people might say she was the best of her middle school, and it was something hard to deny. She thought there was no one of her age that could be as good, but while on a match against Ponyville Middle School, she found out that this statement might actually not be entirely true.
Who was that blondie girl? And how could she dare win against her?

Chapters (2)

It was her first serious relationship, and so her first real heartbreak. Trixie took it as well as can be expected.

Chapters (2)

Two thousand years after Nightmare Moon's banishment, Equestria thrives. Celestia rules with her six princesses, six powerful Alicorns, given charge over different parts of rulership, using their powers and wisdom to make sure Equestria prospers.

Or, that is the official story, anyway.

In truth, after installing countless unstable cybernetics, Celestia has gone mad, and the Alicorns aren't much better. Ponies regularly disappear when they start to question things publicly. Wars are waged, species are slaughtered, and androids are kept as slaves, bought and sold as property.

Vinyl Scratch was a musician, owned by Fancy Pants. Her life had been well, really, but before she knows it, she finds herself thrust into the midst of conspiracies and rebels. Discord, an organization bent on overthrowing Celestia and bringing equality to androids, takes her in and keeps her safe. Vinyl wants to fight for what's right, but deep down, she wonders what is truly the right thing to do.

A bit of a twist on a stereotypical cyberpunk setting. While we have the evil government and the rebels, it does focus on more messages of harmony and friendship than you'd normally see. While 'the tree of liberty must be watered with blood of tyrants', it is necessary to 'love your neighbor as yourself', too.

Updates will be rare, but as I am working on this whenever I have time, it will not be set to 'hiatus'.

Okay, now for content warning:

--Foul language: As it should, it depends on the character speaking. Curses are usually going to be few and far between, but a few characters swear like sailors (or cyberpunk gangsters, as it were.)

--Violence and death: People have guns, and people get shot. I will not write graphic descriptions of violence, but it will be on screen.

--References to rape and brothels: Androids, as slaves, are used as prostitutes against their will in some places. I will not go deep into that, but it does happen in this setting.

--References and use of drugs: Without knowing too much about different kinds of real world drugs, I simply made up one I called 'Salt licks'. It is highly addictive and physically damaging.

Chapters (25)

Sherry Merry was your average teenager. At least that's what she would say if she had a cutie mark like everypony else. Desperate to help her depressed daughter, Sherry's mother sends her to Cherry Berry Orchards in the hope that she will truly discover herself there. Sherry wants nothing to do with this, especially since the annoying colt that lives on said orchard just won't leave her alone.

But is that really such a bad thing?

Chapters (6)

To save her family and home, Applejack the Peasant would travel across Equestria through many hardships, even rescue a Princess from a dragon keep.

But now the journey back, that’s what she considered the problem.

After all, escorting Princess Rarity across the country safely would be nothing but a nuisance.

Because of course, A Princess and a Peasant could never get along.

And naturally, A Princess and a Peasant could never fall in love.

…But there’s a first time for everything.

(That’s right. I took the baseline of the story of Shrek 1 and I made it about Rarijack; And it’s glorious)

Chapters (11)

Mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

Another year, another celebration of the Annual Friendship Festival in Canterlot. It was supposed to be like any other year… until a catastrophic attack cripples the nation and wipes out the entire leadership.

The only survivor is the Minister of Agriculture and Waterways, 23rd in the line of succession; now known as Princess Apple Bloom of Ponyville, The Princess of Last Resort.

Inspired by Designated Survivor.

The setting, as well as most of the characters and original concepts, are the property of either ABC Studios, Lionsgate or Hasbro.

Gore tag due to extremely severe third-degree burns... I don't know if it qualifies as gore, but I'm calling it such.

[CC BY-NC-SA] Princess of Last Resort is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (2)

The Mane-iac isn't a primetime villain, she isn't murderous or calculating and one might wonder why she even became one at all. Many do wonder, even her fellow Fury's sometimes wonder. They whisper when they think she can't hear them and mumble insults when she can. Really if it wasn't for High Heel she wouldn't be in the Plunderers Pub at all.

She is seen as a distraction at best and a mindless idiot at worst. The Villains of Maretropolis don't respect her and the Heroes fight her with careful kiddy gloves. That is how she is seen, as a joke villain that is barely worth the effort.

If she could remember her name she would be offended but sadly she can't. The time before these past two years of violence and villainy are fleeting when they are there at all... and yet there may be some hope for her yet.

The Phone is a constant reminder of her past. She can't unlock it or even remember buying it but a little niggling feeling in her brain swears that its hers. Who knows what secrets it holds if only she could work up the courage to have it unlocked or the memory to unlock it. One of those wishes is about to come true... in the worst way imaginable.

Edited by... No one currently.
Art by Waiolet21 on Deviant Art, check their stuff out, its really quite good.

Chapters (1)

A few months ago, Cherrilee's life changed for the better when she met a beautiful, funny, and intelligent mare in a Canterlot bar.

But that all changed when the Changelings attacked. Cherilee heard nothing from her marefriend for almost a whole week before she unexpectedly turned up on her doorstep, covered in bruises. While concerned, Cheerilee couldn't help but wonder, where did her bruises come from? Where had she been this last week? Eventually, Cheerilee couldn't help but consider...

Is my marefriend a Changeling?

Perhaps asking Twilight Sparkle for advice wasn't the best idea.

- Cover photo is AI generated -

Controversial yes, but I lack the skill to draw my own, and funds to request a drawing.

Chapters (6)

So apparently Rainbow is dragging Applejack and Rarity out of town to go to some trading place to buy some stuff or whatever it is they do there so I offered to watch Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. For some reason, Pinkie and Fluttershy keep asking me if I need help while Rainbow, Applejack and Rarity keep asking me if I'm sure. I can easily look after three girls. After all, what can go wrong?

Chapters (3)