Twilight and Rainbow Dash, together? Must be that 'opposites attract' thing. Then again, maybe they have more in common than they're letting on...
An ongoing series of slice-of-life snapshots. RD, I said to keep the Library clop-free, not... oh, forget it!
All chapters originally written as separate entries for flash-fic blog Thirty Minute Pony Stories (TMP). I highly recommend a visit to TMP if you're looking for some of the best 1000-word gems in pony fiction. Many thanks to TMP for inspiring me to write!
Chapter Summaries:
Epilogue - The next Daring Do book isn't out yet, so Twilight convinces Rainbow to read a romance novel instead. That never works - does it?
Second - Twilight reads everything she can get her hooves on. Sometimes she finds things she'd rather not know, or in this case, that Dash would rather not know.
Becoming Daring - The latest Daring Do novel isn't quite what Dash expected, and her reaction isn't what a friend of hers expected, either.
Firelight - Not every schedule has to be full and not every list has to be checked off.
Lift, Weight, Thrust, and Drag - Dash's friends can't save her from an anniversary date with Twilight, at which she will show Twilight a secret skill she's kept from everypony. Twilight's definitely not complaining!
The Wait - Agony is knowing the one you love is standing hoof to hoof with danger and knowing there's absolutely nothing you can do to help.
Hoofing It - One day, Twilight will learn that reading Daring Do alone won't get Dash to do everything. That day is not today.
Variations on a Theme - How many combinations of Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash can there be? Plenty!
Reluctantly Yours - There's something Rainbow Dash doesn't want to lose, and Twilight refuses to let it go. Will this be the end of the awesomeness that is Dash?
Closer to Home - Giving up one dream to keep another isn't always a bad trade.
Wings, Wonderbolts, and You - Always read the fine print. And the rest of it, too.
Pinfeathers - Dash was all she ever wanted and all she'll never have. Twilight hasn't lost Rainbow Dash, but someone has.
Daring Do and the Chapel Perilous - Something's wrong with the Daring Do fanfic Dash and Twi are reading, and it's not funny.
Pew! Pew! Pew! - Rainbow Dash finds new and unexpected uses for the Elements of Harmony.
Less of Me - Twilight decides to help Dash's career along, but she might be getting ahead of herself.
The Ink Wasn't Even Dry Yet - Dash and Twi go head to head in a battle for the ages! And oh, the stakes...
Audience - Twilight Sparkle doesn't dance. We hope. Dear heavens, please let her not dance.
The Trip and the Destination - Dash took on one storm too many and Twilight's had enough of it.
A kind chap by the name of munngojerrie graciously offered to do a dramatic reading of Egghead and Featherbrain. It's done, and it's an hour of audiobook shipping goodness your ears will thank you for! Take a listen to part 1 HERE and part 2 HERE and part 3 HERE.
NOTE: Not related to the Luna's Librarian / Rustic & Romantic / If the Flight Suit Fits continuity.