• Member Since 26th May, 2012


Do not be fooled. I am a dude.

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Prom is just around the corner for Canterlot High School, but Sunset Shimmer just can't get excited for it. She doesn't know the reason why, but no matter what she does or who she talks to, she's just not feeling it. She wants to be excited, but she can't conjure up the feeling.

While her friends party and have the time of her life, she goes through the motions, struggling to find herself. But as the night progresses, she begins to discover what she really wants.

A story about anxiety and expectations. Partially inspired by true events. Written as part of a personal 24-hour writing challenge to get my creative juices flowing.

Chapters (1)

The whole school saw Sunset Shimmer's demonic form get hit by the Elements of Harmony, and half a second later she was in a smoking crater in the ground, sobbing and repentant. From Sunset's perspective, her change of heart took a bit more time.

Genre is... not well-suited but to be perfectly honest that's the closest it's gonna get. Think of it as a missing scene.

Art is by Rennygade, though for some reason I can't find this specific piece on their page. Please contact me if you object to my using it here; it's a beautiful piece.

Many thanks to the folks on the Fimfiction and Clocktower Discord servers for their editing help; any remaining errors are my own.

Cross-posted to AO3 finally here.
Featured at the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (1)

Victory is dubious. Sometimes it even comes at a price. You might lose something precious and important while trying to prevail.

No, your sanity is not considered 'precious' and 'important,' that's absurd.

Chapters (1)

Entry for the 2018 Sunset Shimmer "Journeys" Contest.

In a place where pegasi don't move the clouds and no princess walks beside the moon, a young researcher hides early gray beneath her fiery locks. The bags under her eyes are worn in; the friendship she once knew the product of a halcyon childhood. Loneliness makes strange bedfellows, and hers may be the strangest of all. Yet therein she has found a companion - one to whom the gift of her heart is real, and whom she can only protect by vowing never to see again.

Sunset Shimmer travels on a night train, fleeing with her unorthodox partner to their final destination. Only a few hours remain - can she truly let go of everything she has left?

Story Specific Cover Art by: legendaryspider

Chapters (2)

While visiting each other at work, Rainbow Dash and Sunset Shimmer discover that they share a deep secret no one else must know.

A secret involving magical girls.

No, not that one.

The other one.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Chapters (1)

Trixie needs a new pet.

Fluttershy works at the local pet shop.

This has about a 50/50 chance of working out.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Chapters (1)

In Rarity's line of work, absolutely anything can inspire the next great fashion line, up to and including: corporate warfare, cinnamon buns, fortunate coincidences...

...or simply being with your best friend.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

(Cover by fromamida on dA)

Chapters (1)

Working with fruit was always Applejack's calling. It's the customers she's not always sure about.

The friends, however, are never in question.

Part of the Montage Cinematic Universe.

Chapters (1)

A retelling of Sunset Shimmer's redemption, starting from the night of the Fall Formal and going through the events immediately following the Friendship Games.

Disclaimer: I own none of this source material. MLP: FIM and Equestria Girls belong to Hasbro, and I will not profit from this fanfic financially in any way.

Sex tag is only for brief discussions of sexuality and issues of modesty. There is no actual sexual content.

Author's notes: I've been working on this story for over a year. I'll admit it contains a lot of elements that appear commonly in other Sunset stories -- this is just my take on it. I'll try to give credit where credit is due -- although nearly every idea in this story occurred to me independently, others have actually published stories using many of them first.

The thrust of the story is to take material written for ages say 10-13 (i.e. the EQG movies/shorts/specials) and age it up to make it more dramatic and meaningful. Probably my favorite thing to write was the conversations that must have taken place, both in the human world and in Equestria, but that aren't depicted in any movie or book.

Full Disclosure: Sunset's friends play their usual crucial roles in her redemption and growth, but this is a Momlestia/Lunauntia story too. And there is no shipping. Romance isn't Sunset's priority as she crawls out of the darkness of her former life. Yet.

I had to add the AU tag after Forgotten Friendship came out. Up until then, this story was fairly canon-compatible. Now, it diverges a bit.

Good-natured warning: Feels. Lots of feels.

Chapters (50)

Luna begins to question her understanding of the modern day language when she finds that nopony wants to be gay with her.

Olde meaning
'Light-hearted and carefree.'

Reading by Skijarama / Tone Shift

Chapters (2)