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Warning: Spoilers from DBZ Battle of Gods, Ressurection 'F', Super, Xenoverse 1&2 and The Equestria Girls Movies

Goku has failed to stop Lord Beerus from destroying Earth, but during the blast him and Vegeta are sent through a dimensional rip and are sent to the Equestria Girls universe. Now they must adapt to their new home and the people that live their as they go against their biggest challenge they have ever faced.....High school.

Will Goku and Vegeta protect their new home from anymore threats or will it end up being destroyed like their last home along with their friends and family.

Set after the events of DBZ:Battle of Gods and during Equestria Girls: Rainbow Rocks

If a video is not working in any of the chapters let me know and I'll replace them.

I do not own MLP or DBZ

Saga 1: Battle of God's Saga

Saga 2: Man of Steel Saga

Saga 3: The Frieza Games Saga

Saga 4: Universe 6 Saga

Saga 5: Legend of the SSJ Rose Saga

Saga 6: Xenoverse Saga

Saga 7: Universe Survival Saga

Chapters (34)

I've always loved my six best friends since we were just kids. But now that we're older they're acting differently to me, and I find myself acting in a similar matter to each of them. Our feelings for each other is becoming much different. Will our friendship remain true as we go on with our lives? I wonder.

Cover art courtesy of Duke Moon II

Tropes Page here: The Girls of My Life

Chapters (45)

Spike Drake has started attending Canterlot Academy as part of a Co-Ed experiment. With him being the only guy in an entire academy filled with hot and sexy girls, will his teenage hormones drive him crazy, or will the boy-starved student body eat him alive?

Chapters (36)

On the anniversary of her sister's banishment, Celestia comes across a lost dragon egg during her traditional walk that day. Desperate for some form of companionship, she decides to hatch it herself

However, she didn't quite take into account the effect the amount of alicorn magic she used would have on the egg's contents.

Be ready for a Spike quite unlike any you've seen (and I do mean that quite literally ! )

(just using the 'Other' tag because of the five character limit)

Chapters (23)

A collaboration between myself, Tidal and Seventh Heaven

Cheating. It never leads to anything good. Hearts get broken, trust is lost, and lives are ruined. Unfortunately, even the best of relationships are not immune to it.

When it comes to light that Shining Armour has been in a secret affair with Rarity, it leaves Princess Cadence and Spike stunned and badly hurt. Leaning on each other for comfort, the two devise a plan to not only get revenge on the ponies that hurt them, but maybe even heal their broken hearts along the way.

Note: This fic was written during season 4 originally, so that's why Flurry Heart isn't mentioned.

Coverart by: Not Enough Coffee

Inspired by the album Two-Faced Charade by Famous Last Words.

Chapters (13)

Spike, like many teenage boys, is at a loss for romance. Kissing girls is as foreign as shedding for a pony. Seeking guidance, Spike turns to the one mare he trusts with such a matter: Cadence.

Taking him under her wing, Cadence sets up practice dates for the young dragon. But with each date, something grows underneath the surface. The dividing line blurs, and practice soon becomes reality...

Thanks to Vexy and The Abyss for kicking this fic into shape.

Chapters (1)

Kingdom Hearts x Equestria Girls

What does friendship truly mean if it's gone?

A powerful magic had suddenly revealed itself, drawing unwanted attention from the Darkness. Riku was sent to investigate the phenomenon, but was never heard from. With Riku's whereabouts unknown, Sora must travel there to find his friend, discover where the powerful magic is located, and protect it. After all, everyone shares this special magic, and if it disappears, who knows what will happen. Little did Sora know that he would have to go through High School to accomplish his mission. But with the help of six friends, he could make it through in one piece.

Takes place after Dream Drop Distance.

NOTE: This story is cancelled, but there is a rewrite. You can find it here! For an explanation on the cancellation, check this blog post for details.

Edited by the great NightmareKnight
Preread by the cool XxEpsilonxX & the neat Golden Flare
Cover picture created with GIMP and a couple vectors

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Kingdom Hearts of Harmony: The Other Side

Sora's heart is heavy with the weight of his keyblade exam failure. But when a gateway to a new world appears before him, he sees it as a chance to redeem himself. There, he meets creatures he's never seen before as they call for his help as the Hero of Light they need to face the oncoming Darkness.

With this new task ahead of him, Sora must face his own darkness within his heart and rise to the challenge of becoming the hero he was always meant to be.

Will he succeed or will his own inner doubts take it all away?

Dearly Beloved

Now with a TV Tropes Page!

Part of the KINGDOMHEARTSVerse


Rated T for suggestive theme.


(Image by Me)

Chapters (72)

This isn't entirely my work. This story was started by kiddi. He wrote the first 4 chapters. He feels he can't continue and has given me permission to continue it.
Naruto Uzumaki is lost to Konoha when he vanishes durring an attack on his life. He winds up in the magical land of Equestria in under the care of a certain Zebra. But this is only the beggining as much larger things are in story for are young traveler. Watch as he grows and faces numerous challenges caused by his past and his future.

Chapters (7)

The Doctor takes to the stars in this fourth installation of the Doctor Whooves Series.

When the TARDIS is unexpectedly pulled off course during her first foray into the wider universe, the Doctor, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and a somewhat-reluctant Twilight find themselves brought to the doorstep of a utopian alien city. While Rarity and Pinkie immerse themselves in two opposite ends of the local culture, questions that have gone unasked for centuries draw Twilight into the shadowy labyrinth of intrigue and deception that sustains a delicate balance of power in this "perfect" society. A balance that some will go to any lengths to preserve.

And as the mystery surrounding the cryptic messages left in the Doctor’s path continues to unfold, will the growing schism of distrust between Time Lord and Friendship Scholar over unspoken secrets cost both ponies more than either of them are prepared to lose?


"Only Skin Deep" is my fourth Doctor Whooves Episode and the sixth in the expanded "Number 12" continuity begun by the inspirational Squeak-Anon.

It is strongly recommended to read the following fics here on FIMFiction.net before proceeding with "Only Skin Deep."

1- Number 12by Squeak-Anon
2- Traveler by Squeak-Anon.
3- The Pinkie Conundrum
4- Game of Stones
5- Along Came a Spider

Comments and critiques are very much desired and let this crazed writer-pony know that the herd does indeed care.

Elements of Number 12 & Traveler (c) Squeak-Anon
Doctor Whooves Intro posted on Youtube by: Cshep99
Cover & Concept Art provided by FoxInShadow from Deviantart.com
Number One Assistant & Proof-Reader - 2dextreem
*Rated T for some Doctor Who level violence.*

Chapters (6)