• Member Since 18th Aug, 2011

Dubs Rewatcher

Fandom veteran, journalist, sixteen-time EqD published author. I hope you have a lovely day! Come visit my official website at www.williamantonelli.com

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Twilight Sparkle asks each of her friends, "Do you believe in God?"

Chapters (6)

For all things, there is a last time…

Life is made up of these last times, but we can't know when they will be. There will, for each of you, be a last day that you walk out of your apartments or dorms. There will be a last day you see someone who is now a friend.

There will be a last day that we all meet here, on this odd little slice of the web. There will be a last day that I write a blog. There will be a last story that I submit... there will be a last day that I sign on. The same goes for you.

Six mares. Fifteen pairings. One (insane) fanfic.

Inspired in part by Ringcaat's The Combinatorics Project (and Quill's overwhelming love of all things Joyce), each chapter of Last Kisses takes one possible mane six ship and explores themes of endings, loss, and finality through their very last kiss. There are only two rules:
1) Each chapter is written in a style that reflects the couple's dynamic, or the story being told.
2) Each chapter must end when the kiss is over. No aftermath. No time to think it through. End of the kiss, end of the chapter.

Last Kisses is written as a loving tribute to the works of James Joyce, and was supposed to be written as part of the celebrations of Bloomsday 2015.

For Doseux
(Who wrote Lunnas Ache before I could finish Pinkies Wake)
For SS&E
(Whose work on .out.of.character. convinced me to give this crazy idea a try)
And, as always, for Robbie
(Who has by now read enough pony fanfiction that he really should watch the show)

Cover Image Credit

Chapters (5)

A bolt of fire, a mighty crash
A demon turns to powdered ash
Remember the day that Tirek died
And also the day the Princess survived
―Equestrian Nursery Rhyme

Every year, on the day Princess Twilight Sparkle saved Equestria from its greatest threat, she mourns the loss of who she was.

Preread by Waterpear!

Edited by Dubs Rewatcher!

Chapters (4)

Friendship lasts forever.


Three years ago, Gilda and Rainbow Dash became fast friends at Junior Speedsters' Flight Camp. Time took its toll, though, and the pair drifted apart.

When Gilda tries to reconnect with her not-so-long lost friend, she'll discover that things can change a pony after three years: a new home, new job, and new friends.

This story continues in Summer Days

Title Image Credits
Original: http://mallorysbeast.deviantart.com
Coloring: Bandit (no link available)

Chapters (7)

Lyra thinks Discord is an idiot for not thinking to dodge when the Elements of Harmony were about to strike him. Discord thinks this is the perfect opportunity for a game.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio reading by Dreamless Portal. Chinese and Spanish translations also available.

Chapters (1)

Life's been hard for Sunset ever since the Fall Formal. She's chronically lonely, much of her free time is dedicated to work and studying, and her classmates still don't trust her. Regardless, she's committed to making things right and improving herself one day at a time.

Most of her new friends are trying to make her feel welcome, but everything feels so forced and awkward at first. This is made worse by Rainbow Dash who seems intent on making things difficult for Sunset. Are they just incompatible? Or is there a deeper reason they can't seem to get along?

Shoutouts to EileenSaysHi, NudistSquid, X_c4nd13d_p3pp3r_cut13_X, Gusto Starstorm and another one of my friends for a combination of workshopping, pre-reading, editing, and proofreading :heart:

Featured 10/13/22! Thank you!

This story begins a couple months after the events of the first Equestria Girls movie.

This also takes place before the events of "Can You See What I See?", but you don't have to read that to understand this or vice versa.

  • Sunset vector used sourced from here. Unable to find the original source link. If you happen to know the source, please drop me a link!
  • Rainbow Dash vector used can be found here.
  • Rest of cover created/edited by me.
Chapters (12)