• Member Since 1st May, 2020

Buck Swisher

Shameless Zecora lover, Chris Brown enthusiast. Tell a heaux about prime Buck.

buns 10 stories
  • buns 10 stories ts buns (if your fics are in here you’re awesome)
    Created by Buck Swisher
    - October, 2024
Found 10 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 93,293
Estimated Reading: 6 hours


  • the best fics 30 stories the collection of real good fics i read

  • buns 10 stories ts buns (if your fics are in here you’re awesome)


  • Featured 24667 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 221 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Trixie needs a bouquet of flowers for her next trick. Roseluck doesn't approve of what her plans are for said bouquet.

I've been wanting to do this for a while actually, writing a bunch of stories focusing on the background ponies. Expect a bunch more soon!

Chapters (1)

Luna has been more tired than usual. Celestia is worried about her wellbeing, so she asks Anon for his help, not only because she's been extremely busy with her royal duties, but also he's dating Luna, so it makes the most sense for him to help. What Anon discovers makes him wonder if pigs do really fly.

They don't, but hey, could you really blame him for asking?

Tagged Sex for references to the act. Also majority of the fic was written in three hours.

Cover art by magnaluna.

Chapters (2)

Anon is meditating after doing a whole lot of nothing all day. Twilight stumbles upon him doing this and asks him what he's doing. Anon just invites her to join him as he stops thinking and just viiibes.

She doesn’t know how to vibe. Book pone can only think.

Anon decides to change that. One way or another.

Idea provided by golabi2101.

Chapters (1)

Centuries later, Twilight sits atop a hill and remembers.

Cover art by... ME!!

Entry to the Thousand Word Contest III in the slice of life and experimental categories!

Chapters (1)

Trixie experiments with a new kind of smoke bomb for her magic shows, much to Starlight's dismay.

Thanks to the very cool ThePeer for prereading!

Written for the Dumb As Doornails Competition!

Chapters (1)

Spike hates himself. One morning, he says it out loud for his best friend to hear. That morning would soon turn into one of the most challenging self-reflections he would ever face, one that would send him on a day filled with anxiety, heart-to-heart conversations about the mind, and the possibility of changing for the better.

Edited by: TheWraithWriter.

A total revamp of the original, Spike Hates Himself. The concept is very similar (obviously), but the story-line is not the same.

WARNING: Absurd humor, laced with a real serious perspective of suicide. If you can't handle these two intermixing, you might not want to read this story. You have been warned.

Chapters (3)

Flurry Heart learns some new words. Shining Armor is worried.

Cadance just wants to make sure she's not going to make her foal a mute.

Luna just wants to buy nuclear laxatives.

Was going to be a submission to Muggonny's Princess Cadance is a Terrible Mother contest. Shitpost galore inbound. Hope you all enjoy!

Pre-read by FamousLastWords.

First part written on my birthday. Second part written the day after.

Chapters (2)

Rick, a very enthusiastic human, meets Twilight, a curious pony who wants to know his name.

Rick isn't having any of it.

A shitpost written in a hour. Will be updated semi-regularly to springboard me into writing actively. Criticism appreciated, except from Mike White, because he's above this story.

Edited and inspired by FamousLastWords.

Now with an audio reading by StraightToThePointStudio! (Currently CH1 & First part of CH2)

Chapters (16)

Berry Punch has a horrible drinking problem, but all she sees is a cycle that she indulges in. She wants to get out of it now, but why move on from something that tastes so good? Why move on from something that becomes natural to do?

Chaos and death have the answers, and it sure isn't pretty.

Inspired by anonpencil's series of Berry Punch stories.

Please check out the artist of the coverart, Lupiarts!

Chapters (1)

Twilight’s castle is on fire, and she doesn’t know what to do. So, she logically goes with old reliable: get Spike to write a letter to Celestia.

Celestia is unsure if her former student is sane. Spike is just wanting to put the fire out.

Luna just wants to ensure that her sister doesn't predict the Third Griffin Invasion.

Based on a true story. I wish I was joking.

Pre-read/edited by: Muggonny.

Cover art by: omegajim, which was then edited by Crowley.

Profanity tag only because of one line that's not even in English lmao.

Chapters (1)