• Member Since 26th Apr, 2012


Peruser of fictions most lecherous and lewd.

Favourites 126 stories
  • Favourites 126 stories - 14 unread chapters
    Created by Drill
    - October, 2014
Found 1 stories in 22ms
Total Words: 27,108
Estimated Reading: 1 hour



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Princess Cadance noticed how lonely Princess Celestia seemed on Hearts and Hooves Day.

She decided to send a small love spell her way, as motivation to help her find a special somepony, even if it's just for a day.

Cadance immediately regretted it upon finding out who it was.

Special thanks to Mickeymonster for allowing me to use the cover image!

Edit: Mickeymonster has made a colored version of the cover image! Original image: http://fav.me/d4mozkh

Chapters (10)