• Member Since 20th Apr, 2012


Hold your ground but do not be unkind. (Ponyphonic, "Shy Heart") He/him. Ponyfic Roundup reviews every Wednesday.

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Estimated Reading: 2 weeks



  • Featured 24206 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

  • Interviews 408 stories Stories that have had their author interviewed

  • Reviewed 98 stories Stories that have been reviewed

Equestria's history is like a swan on a lake, seemingly graceful motion hiding the furious effort beneath the surface. Whose effort? Twilight is about to find out.

An expanded version of an entry in the June 2015 Writeoff Competition. Prompt: A Matter of Perspective
Rated Teen for death, undeath, and mutation without consent.

Chapters (1)

It all started so simply. An offhoof comment from Strawberry Sunrise, a moment of righteous indignation, an effort to protect her livelihood...

Then Shoeshine ran into an unexpected extra mare in Princess Twilight's castle, and everything went off the rails.

Winner of the Season 9 Bingo Contest.

Cover note: Daring's not tiny; she's just far away.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes it's not a matter of being the best mare for the job. Sometimes you're just the only one left. That's how a pegasus with no internal compass has been saddled with guiding back migratory birds for the last three Winter Wrap-Ups. Surely this year, Twilight Sparkle will see reason, right?


A long-delayed entry in Estee's technically open TEMPorary Insanity contest. Graciously preread by themaskedferret.

Chapters (1)

The whole school saw Sunset Shimmer's demonic form get hit by the Elements of Harmony, and half a second later she was in a smoking crater in the ground, sobbing and repentant. From Sunset's perspective, her change of heart took a bit more time.

Genre is... not well-suited but to be perfectly honest that's the closest it's gonna get. Think of it as a missing scene.

Art is by Rennygade, though for some reason I can't find this specific piece on their page. Please contact me if you object to my using it here; it's a beautiful piece.

Many thanks to the folks on the Fimfiction and Clocktower Discord servers for their editing help; any remaining errors are my own.

Cross-posted to AO3 finally here.
Featured at the Royal Canterlot Library!

Chapters (1)

Snails has a secret: a secret power only he can wield, a secret batch of knowledge only he can grasp, a whole secret world over which he rules as an absolute monarch.

Secret except, y'know, it's right there on his flanks. And I'm getting pretty sick and tired of it making that bean-brain act like a complete and total jackass!

No offense to any donkeys reading this...

An entry in Imposing Sovereigns IV, using the prompt Snails/Knowledge (Or Lack Thereof), this story received an Honorable Mention!

Chapters (1)

Pinkie Pie is trapped in her own soul, and it wants to torture her for eternity. Apparently, she betrayed her friends, and is suffering the consequences. But that doesn't sound like Pinkie Pie. This must be a misunderstanding. Surely, she'd never do something so terrible.

Chapters (1)

Lives are controlled. Communication is monitored. Anything deemed improper is censored. If you want to send messages in private, you need to do it physically, with couriers known as Runners.

Rainbow Dash is a Runner. It's not the greatest job, but it's for a good cause.

The government is hunting Runners. If they think you're carrying information they don't want you carrying, they'll come after you with everything they've got. They have nigh-limitless resources at their disposal: enforcers, vehicles, surveillance. Your life will be on the line until you submit. They will find you and they will hunt you down, and your only defense will be your wits and your ability to run.

Now it's the greatest job.

An experiment in atmosphere, entered in the Science Fiction Contest II because it inspired me to finish it. A thematic crossover with Mirror's Edge; no non-pony knowledge required.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes, it's good to talk about your feelings. Other times, the only way we can understand ourselves is to sit and listen to the silence...

8th place finalist in the Forbidden Knowledge Writeoff event. With a huge thank you to everyone who commented on it over there.

Chapters (1)

Opaline had stolen the cutie marks from half of Equestria and was rapidly conquering the rest. Even the fake alicorn Sunny Starscout and her minions were faltering before her. One more push would bring Opaline to her final victory.

Then she surrendered.

And even Opaline doesn’t know why.

Chapters (1)

Twilight and Luna have both been escaping to the moon for when the burdens of Equestria become too much, and they want to be absolutely alone - except it's always been to the opposite side of the moon to each other, so they've never noticed the other there before. Now that Luna's found Twilight, she'll have to fight her for it! This is obviously a love story about the inherent eroticism of a land based tax system.

Set in the timeline between Twilight's coronation and the events of the finale.

A commission for Iisaw, one of my favourite people.

Chapters (2)