• Member Since 9th May, 2024


Veteran Fanfic writer back in the game. I edit my own stuff, so patience please! I do crossovers, mostly DMC related, but there will be a mix. With some MLP originals too, of course. Happy reading!

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This story is a sequel to Sun Never Sets

[art by me]

In a time long since passed, in an age of chaos when demons ruled the mortal realm, humanity's hope was carried in a demon called Daybreaker...

Two thousand years ago, when demonkind ruled the earth, two sisters rose to defeat the lord of the underworld and free the human world from infernal forces. They stood as the world's guardians, and their names would live through legend far into the future.

In the present day, the former lord of the underworld plots his return to power by sewing disorder within the realm of mortals. It's been five years since Nightmare Moon's attempted invasion of the human world, five years since anyone last saw either of the sisters of legend, and the Sister of Light's strongest disciple must rise to defeat this ancient threat.

Luckily, Sunset Shimmer is Canterlot City's best demon slayer. With two guns, a giant sword, a stylish coat and a grab bag of movie-grade one liners, she's more than up to the task. Darkness falls, chaos rises, and all the world can come undone, but for her the sun never sets.

For those of you just joining us, this story is a continuation of my reinvention of the MLP world as an campy action game ala Devil May Cry, Metal Gear Solid, and Resident Evil. It's just another excuse to write another 30 chapters of action scenes with new locations, new characters, and new references, so expect nothing more than what you got in the first story.

First and foremost, we're here to read about magical girls hitting each other with big swords. Everything else is secondary.

Chapters (10)

(Cover art by Weird Alicorn)

(NOTICE: As of 5/22/21, Special Chapters have been added to the story! They are denoted with SP and a number. They are best understood after having read the entire story, but have been written to fit their place in the narrative.)

"You've heard of it, haven't you? The Legend of the Two Sisters?"

Two thousand years ago, two sisters sealed away the world of demons by wielding its own infernal power against it. One thousand years ago, one of them was corrupted by her power and banished to the demon realm by the other. With the demon realm sealed away, the remaining sister faded into history, deciding to leave humanity free of their immense powers.

But with her virtuous sister long since a myth, the Dark Sister plots to return and conquer the land of mortals once more.

Standing in her way in the present day is Sunset Shimmer, a legendary demon hunter who was once a lowly high-school bully, but trained in the ways of the Light Sister to redeem herself. Half-human, half-demon; fully loaded with twin pistols and a huge sword, she runs a demon hunting service called "Sun Never Sets". Despite her history as a bad girl, she now uses her demonic abilities to challenge the forces of darkness with wit and style.

But also chasing the Dark Sister is her long-standing best friend Twilight Sparkle, another half-demon demon hunter trained in the light, but fallen to the darkness within herself. She's willing to sacrifice everything to stop the Dark Sister's return- even the rest of their friends. An unresolved rivalry stands between the two of them, and by facing her Sunset must learn what it means to carry the legacy of the Sister of Light.

Between the Dark Sister, Twilight, and all of the underworld being unleashed, Sunset has her work cut out for her.

But for her, the Sun Never Sets.

This story is mainly for people who want to watch the girls fight bad guys with big swords. 

This story is a re-invention of the world of FiM and EQG by a fangirl of games like Devil May Cry, Bayonetta, and Resident Evil. A crossover in spirit, this story sees the MLP cast re-imagined as various kinds of demon slayers, with focus on mechanically intricate fight scenes and wild over-the-top action while still adhering to the cheesiness of both MLP and DMC's 
Power of Friendship and Family themes.

It's action heavy, leans way too hard on it's melodrama, and often references and recreates scenes from it's component games, so it definitely won't be everyone's cup of tea. That being said, I've attempted to make it as reader friendly as possible, so it's still understandable if you aren't familiar with Devil May Cry or related games.

In short, this story is about recreating MLP and its lore in a campy, action focused manner.

The violence is all video game-esque, written to be entertaining instead of graphic, and the gore attempts to be "soft gore", where grievous injuries are described in broad strokes and spectacle rather than in gritty detail. Mild language, suggestive themes, and slight horror aspects at times.

If this sounds like something for you, have fun! If not, have a nice day.

Chapters (35)

Cornered by Princess Twilight Sparkle and her friends, who just got their Cutie Marks back, Starlight Glimmer thought Twilight was ready to "bore" her with a friendship speech.

However, thinking of how Starlight interrupted her earlier friendship speech attempt by yelling at her to be QUIET, Twilight wasn't planning to give a speech this time. Not least, not quite like the ones you would usually think of.

This may not end well for the former ruler of "Our Town" if she doesn't start running!

This takes places in part 2 of the season 5 premiere...obviously.

Chapters (1)

Vergil, the son of Sparda has been living in the Demon World for some time now, but all that is about to change as he encounters a strange portal to another world. Devil May Cry crossover, post DMC1.

Chapters (7)

Part 2: Demon Days

Ever since Dante and Vergil’s fateful clash at the Gates of Tartarus, demons have begun running rampant all across Equestria. Now The Elements of Harmony must join forces with the ever estranged sons of Sparda and hunt down the demonic Tartarusians if they hope to restore order to their once peaceful land and return the demon twins back to their world. All the while, a shadow from Celestia and Luna’s past looms dauntingly over the unsuspecting kingdom of Canterlot.

The demon days that lie ahead for Twilight and her friends will bring with them a bloody storm that threatens to resurface the long forgotten, if not slightly altered, history between Equestria and Tartarus.

NOTE: The events of this story take place AFTER the following in their respective order:
- Devil May Cry 3: Dante's Awakening
- Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3
- The Season 2 Finale of My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Concept Art and Image made by DROLL3
Pony May Cry Part 2 Title Card

Proofread by Nightmare_0mega

Chapters (29)

Anon E. Mous was doing well. He has a well-paying job working with Mayor Mare. He has a small little hole in the wall he called his house that he got with his own hard-earned bits. And...

...that's it. Friends? Little to speak of, but they were there. Somehow. In a world where friendship was magic, Anon experienced little of it, and worse, he's experienced how little he could earn of it. It had all started with a spark, and then nothing, nothing to the point of living in his house for the past few days under the guise of vacation.

Fortunately for him, somepony with a bit more gusto heard about his little hideaway and was more than interested in helping him get back on his feet. Not only that, she was there to make amends, if possible.

Unbeknownest to the two of them, life had an interesting way to show how interest worked both ways. Like a two-way mirror, no matter how different they were.

Warnings: RGRE themes, depression, and suicidal ideation. Sex tag added due to suggestive language.

If you're ever feeling this way, please call your crisis hotline for your country. You're not alone.

Chapters 1-4 pre-read by: Contentgremlin.
Also had help from 6-D Pegasus in regards to character voices.

Cover Art done by: Butterscotch (Ko-Fi link for commission work).

Thank you both for your help!

Chapters (14)

All Dante ever wanted to do was lay back, relax, and - eventually - open and run his devil hunting business. He certainly never wanted to get involved in anything regarding the fate of multiple worlds, power hungry demon lords, insane cultists, and certainly not parenthood.

But then he got a party invitation from his brother...and on the way to the party, he found a tiny orange pony, who proves despite physics to be far more than a handful.
Part of the PWNY-verse.

Edit: New cover art by sanyo21

Chapters (52)

Soon after Princess Luna tried her first-ever video game out of boredom, playing them became her #1 favorite hobby by far. She especially loved playing them with other ponies. It was just too bad that her competitiveness and hot-bloodedness made ponies start "conveniently" claiming they felt ill when it was their turn to play with her.

However, Princess Celestia could tell the real reason, but couldn't bear telling her little sister out of fear of giving her Nightmare Moon flashbacks. Near her wits' end, Celestia asked Princess Twilight if she knew any ponies with both a fondness for video games and a personality capable of handling "Gamer Luna."

At Spike and Starlight Glimmer's suggestion, Twilight decided to ask Eric Reed, a human but also an experienced gamer, to be Luna's new gaming buddy. Unfortunately, Twilight forgot to warn Eric that Luna could become intense when she played games, which accidentally left him blind to what he was in for.

Things (probably) went as well as you might expect.

This story is also one of a still-growing series of stories that all take place after A Giant Adventure to Equestria. It isn't necessary to read any of them to understand this story, but "A Giant Adventure to Equestria" does show how and why the human OC Eric Reed is in Equestria and can't leave.

If you enjoy this story and would be interested in checking out any of my other stories with Eric, you can find the list of all current ones here.

EDIT: Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Four months have passed since the Sons of Sparda were successful in severing the roots of the Qlipoth in the underworld and turned their attention towards each other to see who is superior.

However, a moments rest turns into a new opportunity for the pair of them. A chance to lay waste to an army of demons that have invaded a world separate from the human world.

Before they can seal the deal, the brothers are torn away from each other. One is trapped in a duel and the other is sent to Equestria.

Now, wandering alone, Vergil chooses to honour his summoners wishes and put a stop to the demon horde that infests Equestria.

All the while, Dante stands alone against the General of the Army.

Will they succeed? Will Dante survive? Will Equestria be free?

Extra Information
~ Set four months after end of Devil May Cry 5
~ Set after the Season 3 Premiere
~ Entry for the Devil May Cry Writing Contest

Chapters (5)

This story is a sequel to How Sweet the Thought

You and Pinkie have been going out for a few years. It's... hectic, to say the least. But, you still love it. You love all of the wacky antics you get up to. You love the way that she lights up everypony's day, your own included. You love... her. And through it all, the two of you have never had a real fight. Is it because you do everything in your power to avoid upsetting her? Is it because she just doesn't get upset easily? Perhaps it's a bit of both? Regardless, you now realize that it's a blessing you've been taking for granted, because today...

You broke a Pinkie Promise.

Chapters (1)