This is the story of Licorice Twist, a Pegacorn from Fillydelphia who found his place in Canterlot's Royal Guard. Born to Fillydelphias' candy makers, Taffy Twist, a male Unicorn,and Mint Twist, a female Pegasus, he ended up being born with a rarely seen mutation, causing him to be born with both a horn and wings. He knew candy-making wasn't for him, however, and soon sought out to find his destiny as a fighter, specializing in wing blades. He made his way to Canterlot and trained hard, making it into the Royal Guard.
His story begins after the Changelings tried to take over Canterlot.
Edit: Thanks to Aurora Dimmet and Dr. Fumbles for the suggestion of and their views and differences of Pegacorn vs. an Alicorn, as a Pegacorn works much better for my vision. Initial changes are being made, so please bare with me! Thank you. ^.^