Stories that i will eventually get to. 663 stories
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All ponies dream. Few remember their dreams. None remember them as well as Luna does. All ponies make mistakes. Most remember them. None feel their weight as much as Luna. Most ponies have a rather straightforward relationship with themselves. Luna isn't most ponies. And she wonders what is best for her.

An entry in the (Un)Happy New Yuri contest under the Doomed and Toxic Yuri categories. Pet the Koi.

Chapters (7)

Anon and Princess Twilight Sparkle are walking through the Canterlot Gardens, when they pass by Chrysalis' statue. Unbeknownst to Twilight, Anon admits that he wants to see her up close.

Nothing bad could come out of this, right?

Art by Nettlemoth.

Warning: Unfettered random shitposting. I do not regret a damn thing.

Tagged Sex for references to the act.

Chapters (2)

It's not so easy, being reunited after a thousand years apart. The crown isn't the only thing that needs to be mended.

Set just after Season 1, Episode 2 of Friendship is Magic.

With musical inspiration from Midnight Lament by Aurellah.
Editing by Miss Direction.
Cover art by Heilos.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

The sleepy town of Ponyville had always believed the Myth of the Four Princesses to be, well, exactly that--a myth. But when they're forced to confront that princesses and spirits might be more than just tall tales, a young mare decides she has to see it--and Princess Twilight Sparkle--for herself.

Set sometime during The Enchanted Era. Please read the author's note inside the fic for more information.

Written to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the original Enchanted Library oneshot.

Art by Maxi.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

In the final--so help me God--installment of the Enchantedverse, Rarity and Twilight embark on their grandest adventure yet, determined to finally put an end to Discord and free the remaining princesses.

Of course, there's always a hitch in every plan, but luckily for them, if they survived one ghost story, they could surely survive a second.


Final story in The Enchanted Trilogy. Originally used to be the story "The Enchanted Carousel" but the vibes were not good, so I decided to completely restart it. This is the final and actual sequel to Enchanted Kingdom, I swear to GOD. IT ENDS HERE OR ELSE I'M GOING TO--

Cover art by the ever talented Maxi.

Updated bi-monthly on Wednesdays if the God's are good and decide to give me a break for once.

Chapters (3)

At the edge of the darkest night, Celestia remembers a time she taught her sister some goodbyes had to be forever.

Dedicated and inspired by Carabas and his wonderful works.

TW: animal death

Cover art by FUNfaccts

Chapters (1)

Aurora is a unicorn filly with the mind of a human, however, the said human does not remember much from his old life on earth, just bits and pieces.

Being born in Canterlot to a unicorn family she quickly discovers that her unusual dark coloration makes most if not all ponies wary of her, and her social life confusing and full of different emotions. As she grows and develops, she sees the world differently than most ponies, making her curious and adventurous. And that leads to... Complications down the road. Especially when the Magic Of Friendship develops in Equestria at the same time.

If that's not making it difficult to adapt to her new environment and body, a certain white alicorn makes Aurora hooves full of mysteries and plots to solve, making it difficult to learn magic and have a life of a simple filly at the same time.

[The first five chapters are 'test chapters'. I plan to remake them in the future.]
[See tags for warnings please.]

Chapters (19)

Beyond Equestria, the lands to the north are hostile and unforgiving. Ponies eke out a subsistence in uncontrollable weather, separated by mile after frigid mile of snow and mountains. A land where only the hardiest survive is no place for civilization.

Yet civilization encroaches from time to time. When a colossal bounty is placed on the head of a unicorn deep in the arts of necromancy, a motley crew of bounty hunters assembles and gives chase. It’s too good a chance to pass up. They’ll bring her to justice, no matter what stands in their way. Not her dark magic. Not the inhospitable environment.

And certainly not each other.

Now with a TV Tropes page. Other entries in this series:

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to Plastered Pony Princesses

In a fit of boredom, Luna decides that while sobriety has had its perks, a good bottle of whisky sounds like just the thing for a hot afternoon.

Only one thing stands in her way: an obstinate shopkeeper asking for identification.

Doesn't he know who she is?

Chapters (1)

To ascend the throne, an Alicorn must take it by force. Twilight has been raised by her Aunt, a horrific dictator, vowing one day to steal the throne from her. Twilight wants revenge for events that happened 1500 years ago. Her wings, her power; all of it was taken from her along with something she thought lost forever.

Upon moving to Ponyville, Twilight pretends to play by her Aunt's rules while secretly plotting her downfall. She meets a few mares that she 'convinces' to help with her devious plans. Celestia is always watching, and to make matters worse, Luna is returning from the moon soon.

The question is: Of the moon, the sun, and the void...Who is the real monster?

Chapters (10)