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Princess Luna knows a thing or two about nightmares and dream magic. Her duties at Night Court have become tedious. With the help of some forbidden power she reaches out to a certain Element of Magic for the companionship and knowledge of modern Equestria she desires. But while Luna is distracted and Celestia sleeps, an old evil returns with plans both dire and terrible and a new evil plots under their noses.
(Story takes places roughly between season 2 and season 3, so post-changlings, pre-Sombra)

Cover image by JJ at lovetomorrowlove.tumblr

Chapters (12)

Partially mirrored from The NP FanFiction Archive.

[Currently attempting a revival of this story after five years. I'd like to issue a personal apology for taking so bloody long.]

Spike has been in love with Rarity since they first met, so when a young filly reveals her feelings for him at the worst possible time, he ends up caught in the middle of a feud that is liable to tear a family apart. If only he could understand his own heart.

The setting, as well as the characters and original concepts, are the property of Hasbro.

[CC BY-NC-SA] Sibling Rivalry is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Chapters (15)

Twilight's Research into Divination magic has given Rarity a vision about her future love. Will she interpret the portents correctly?

Chapters (5)

Rarity is at her wits' end. Try as she might, she can't come up with an idea for her charity fundraiser. But Applejack can, and now she has to convince Rarity and Fluttershy to take part in the last thing either of them wants to do.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna is delighted to learn of her dear friend Fluttershy's crush on Big Macintosh, and enlists the "aid" of Rarity and Applejack to make their romance a success.

Five-star feature on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy comes to Rarity looking for advice on what to do about an unrequited crush ... but Rarity has a few secrets of her own, and may not be the right mare to ask after all.

Chapters (1)

Applejack and Rarity must deal with each other for an entire week as the cowpony mends after an incident. Applejack just wants to get home as fast as possible, but after spending time with the brash pony, Rarity finds herself questioning her feelings for Ponyville's prized pony.

Shipfic involving Rarity and Applejack by request. I really need to stop sending ponies to the hospital in these things.
Hopefully you enjoy it nonetheless and know that this is as dramatic as it should get for the remainder of the story.
Picture is a screencap from Look before you sleep.

Chapters (6)

Sweetie Belle pulls a prank on Rarity, but a good laugh is not the only thing that she wants.

Chapters (1)

Not all ponies prefer the day to the night. Twilight and Luna are creatures of the night, and for ponies like them, love is best found under starlight.

Note: This fic is terrible and only kept for historical purposes. It is vapid and poorly written. It was the first fanfic I ever wrote, back on Valentine's Day of 2011. Humble beginnings and all that.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash crashes into an impromptu sleepover at Twilight's library, the unicorn seems to be acting strangely, though Dash doesn't think too much of it. As usual, the pegasus has little thought for the feelings of those around her. Some ponies are just oblivious.

Chapters (4)