• Member Since 3rd Apr, 2012


I am a conglomerate of Engineeriological and Writeological forces with a Ponypreneurial spirit.

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No one alive today can say where she came from; simply that she has always been there.

And yet, few ponies have had a greater impact on Princess Celestia's life than Raven, her most faithful aide.

Inspired by and based off of a headcanon put forth by Heir-of-Rick, though perhaps a bit less insidious than what he had in mind. He very kindly provided an alternate version of his image for me to use as my cover image! Text added by me.

All comments and criticism very welcome!

Featured in the Royal Canterlot Library! Go there to read the interview for some behind-the-scenes info on this story!

Translations: Chinese, Spanish!

Chapters (10)

As everypony knows, Pinkie Pie can do impossible things. She can hover in midair without wings, play ten instruments at once, and even go days without breathing! Clearly some kind of magic is at work, but what could it be?

Pinkie decides it's finally time to tell her friends the whole, unvarnished truth.

Written for The Writeoff Association's "The Best Medicine" contest.

Chapters (1)

(This is an old story I wrote three years ago during season 1)

Twilight Sparkle's birthday has come around, and Rainbow Dash is unimpressed with Rarity's present. When Applejack pokes a bit of fun with her friend, Rarity becomes unusually upset. Twilight Sparkle investigates her friend's feeling, learning something she never expected about her friend and why she is truly suited to be the element of Generosity.

Spanish translation: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Simply-Rarity-Spanish-translation-846034960

Chapters (1)

A sleeping Rarity mysteriously appears in her friends' beds, and nopony knows how or why. Her friends are determined to discover the truth behind Rarity's night-time snuggling spree.

Chapters (15)

When I was little, I came to understand the true meaning about a particular trait of mine. I don’t like to talk about it much because I’m just not much of a talkative pony. Or, well, I’m not anymore, but that’s beside the point. It’s just something I find difficult to talk about, much less explain, because unlike what I see, it’s not all black and white. It’s not like anyone could truly understand my condition anyway.

Well, except for maybe her.

Chapters (1)

Roseluck is absolutely positive she isn't going insane. Nope, not one bit. She's just confused and maybe a little frightened. For instance, she's starting to notice that everyone in town looks very similar. Then there's the fact she's no longer a unicorn. But that's okay. As long as she keeps her cool, whatever is happening should all work itself out in the end, as everything usually does.

She just wished somepony would believe her.

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia wanders the lunar landscape, alone, trapped by an unknown magic. She follows a set of hoofprints that are not her own, which lead her towards the dark side of the moon.

What she discovers there may be more than she can handle.

A 30-Day Challenge story, with a new chapter guaranteed once a day, every day, for a full month. Inspired, in part, by Austraeoh.

Chapters (32)

One day, Rarity does something incredible.

A collaboration between the members of the Spanish Announce Table Goes First.

Cover art provided by darkflame.

Chapters (2)

When Pinkie Pie is charged by Rarity to promote her cloth dyeing competition, she does it in one of the many methods she is familiar with.

She trots around town with a huge sign strapped to her back. However, reactions seem to be mostly panicky... there couldn't be any reason for that, could there?

Chapters (1)