• Member Since 21st Oct, 2023

Ester Anacleto Batista

Amo Soarindash. Isso é a única coisa que você precisa saber sobre mim.

Soarindash 8 stories
Found 3 stories in 57ms

Total Words: 5,119
Estimated Reading: 20 minutes



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One sunny day Soarin and Fluttershy both enjoy a date at the pool. And possibly enjoying one or two fetishes Soarin has.

This was requested by Roxas2017

Only contains: Butt groping, facesitting and big breasts

Chapters (1)

It’s their six month anniversary, and Rainbow Dash and Soarin decide to spend another romantic evening together at their favorite restaurant in Ponyville. But there’s one major problem: Soarin hasn’t shown up, and Rainbow has been waiting for him the whole time. Can the two Pegasi save their relationship, or will they just break up after six months of dating each other?

My first rated E for everyone SoarinDash fic. Also, you might wanna keep a tissue box nearby since this will get pretty angsty. :raritydespair:

Chapters (1)

Lightning Dust, Wind Rider...how many dreams have been crushed because of her? Soarin, however, sees differently.

Set right after Rarity Investigates.

Chapters (1)