Once, she was the Countess, the most famous lounge singer in Manehattan. Once, she spent her nights singing in the classiest bars and lounges, and her mornings dragging herself through hangovers and depression.
But that's all in her past. Now, she is Rara, tenant and helping hoof on Sweet Apple Acres, and the head of entertainment at the Apple Pie In Your Eye. Now, she has Applejack and the Apple Family to lean on for support. And now, she has a community and a family.
This is the life of Rara in Ponyville.
Part of the Noireverse, this story is intended to explore more of Coloratura's character within the series and universe. Rara is one of my favorite side characters in the Ponyville Noire stories, and there was a lot to her that unfortunately just wouldn't fit within the Ponyville Noire stories. I wrote this side story to give her and Applejack the spotlight for a while, as well as give some of the Noireverse's other side characters some more development.
I hope you enjoy!