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This story is a sequel to My name is Ava Car...- I mean, Twilight Sparkle!

You know me. Ava: the snarky, human-turned-pony who saved Equestria once by sheer accident. Thought you’d seen the last of me? Yeah, so did I.

But surprise! I’m back, and the world is falling apart again. The ponies are desperate, the Elements of Harmony are looking at me for help, and honestly? I have no clue what I’m doing.

This is either going to end in glory or complete disaster—and I’m betting on disater.


FEATURED ON THE 2024-11-22/23/24/25/26
Cover made by me.

Chapters (6)

Imagine this: one minute, I’m out partying with my friends, living my best life, and the next? BAM! I’m dead. Car crash. End of the story, right? Wrong.

Now I’m stuck pretending to be this magical nerd, trying not to mess up the timeline of my favorite show while figuring out how the hell to get back home. But how do you stay low-key when you’ve got hooves instead of hands and a bunch of colorful ponies expecting you to be the perfect little student for Princess Celestia?

Spoiler: I have no idea what I’m doing.

Featured on 2024-10-22/23/24/25/26 THANK YOU ALL FOR THE LOVE!

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle took her entrance exam. Then there was a rainbow light, and everything went to Tartarus. The next thing she knows, she wakes up inside a mortuary.

Thus begins her new destiny as the daughter of Death.

Tags may be added later.

Filly Twilich story.

This is a story that I will work on when I'm not focused on HoH:UME and Tales From The Omniverse, so new chapters probably won't come as often.

December 4th 2024: the story is already featured! Yay! Thank you, everyone!

Chapters (21)

Once upon a time there was a doubter and a rationalist. There was no one at work more ruthless than him. He had no friends, he really wanted to be strong and independent, but suddenly he was hit by a train. How can he survive in a new world unknown to him, and also in the body of a mare hated by everyone?

Chapters (18)

Equestria has faced an ever expanding list of enemies and disasters ever since the famed Nightmare Moon's return. Tirek's country wide rampage was the worst in many generations leaving the princesses' public image in tatters, while the certainty of the nation is at most questionable.

Some even cry for their abdication with more favoring the young Twilight Sparkle all together. So what does a nation do or say when a strange unicorn suddenly arrives in Canterlot claiming to be just as if not more powerful than the princesses?

Simple, you have Idol Hooves be her escort, and pray he doesn't offer her a massage.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Bankrupt Love

Two gods of old that walk the world in secret have found each other by accident. Now enemies of old will walk a world that no longer needs them together; will friendship take the place of a century-old rivalry, or will old memories and past grudges make that friendship a hardship? Either way, the world they live in waits for no pony, and time will continue on, with or without them.

Chapters (3)

A thousand and 24 years ago, Luna got banished to the moon 'permanently' when she became Nightmare Moon. Eternity alone was something that Luna wasn't going to let happen, so after a thousand years of effort, she finally escaped, but at a grave cost.

That was 21 years ago. By now, she has been adopted by a nice family and lives as one of their own, but as the 1000th summer's sun celebration arrives, she is forced to face her past.

Meanwhile, Twilight has to deal with this pretty pony that she initially dreaded the arrival of, and Princess Celestial has to destroy 1000 years of attempts of moving on when her sister is back.

Chapters (5)

Twilight's thirst for knowledge has her teacher worried. After getting a request from her most faithful student to study more advanced spells Celestia has to make a decision that could change the fate of Equestria forever. Sending her away so close to Nightmare Moon's return could throw all of her plans out of the window. Thinking back on her last student she knows there is only one way forward.

This is a little side-project I felt inspired to write. It's my first try at writing without planning out every detail and I think it came out nicely in the end. Hope you all enjoy reading it.

Chapters (15)

While training to be royal guards, Thunder shares his secret for a faster lap time on their morning run with the rest of his male friends.
And it's quite simple.
Zoom discovers his secret and takes action.
Things get a little more out of control once they become a couple.

Chapters (1)

An airline pilot wakes up as a changeling after dying in a plane crash. After emerging from his egg in an abandoned storage room, he discovers another changeling egg hidden amongst the neglected furniture.

Warning: Ridiculous amounts of fluff.

Line Editing & Copy Editing: Love And What Came After

Beta Reading: Dustchu

Chapters (3)