• Member Since 21st Aug, 2011


<- this horse is gay and there's nothing you can do about it

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It's the oldest chocolate shop in Equestria, the very first -- and on this night, it's also out of business. The final treats have been sold, the vultures have already begun to circle the equipment, and the proprietor polishes the remains out of pure habit while wondering what to do with her life. But that question will have to wait, as she has one more customer to take care of.

The very first.

(A stand-alone, no-prior-reading necessary part of the Triptych Continuum, which has its own TVTropes page and FIMFiction group. New members and trope edits welcome.)

Now with author Patreon, SubscribeStar, and Ko-Fi pages.
Cover art by Pikamander2.

Chapters (1)

Fizzlepop Berrytwist was a little girl, and Twilight Sparkle's best friend. Her death left Twilight traumatized.

Fizzlepop Berrytwist was a little foal, with a bright future ahead of her. Her trauma gave birth to Tempest Shadow.

When someone is gone, it's the duty of the ones left behind to remember them, and to avenge them.

Inspired by a discussion on Fractured Sunlight

Written for the Villain Exchange Program

Chapters (5)

It has been said in the past that a handful of Pegasus lost there ability to fly after a mysterious disease infected the joints in their wings, effectively making them stuck in place and unable to move. There hasn't been a recorded case of this disease since Celestia came to power. Little has been documented and most ponies have even completely forgotten or dismissed its existence all together due to its extreme rarity.

Soon Rainbow will painfully discover just how real it is.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to The Enchanted Kingdom

Reunited after days apart, Twilight is eager to share a quiet and intimate moment with Rarity. However, in order to do so, both must be willing to unveil their scars.

Small oneshot set in the continuity of The Enchanted Kingdom.

Chapters (1)

Twilight Sparkle's long journey had been aimless. Formless. A search for something she could not, or would not name. Her living, singing ship had plied the void for so long with no destination in sight.

But everything is different now. This is a mission of mercy.

Thank you to TheMaskedFerret for her help, and for being a friend when I needed one. And for ScarletWeather, who also read this and is also very good.
Cover Art from the animated "Echoes of the Past". Watch.

Chapters (1)

Frederic Horseshoepin was born to be a pianist.

Frederic Horseshoepin was the most gifted student his instructor had ever taught.

Frederic Horseshoepin was the top of his class in music school.

Frederic Horseshoepin has been chosen to play a concert at Cantergie Hall.

So why has Frederic Horseshoepin never been good enough?

Chapters (1)

There is a very good reason that Princess Celestia sends Twilight and her friends to do her dirty work.

There is a very good reason that immortal, impossibly strong alicorns have a fleet of guards.

The newest Princess of Equestria needs to learn what strength really means to an alicorn.

Chapters (1)

Twilight accidentally steps on a snail. This makes her sad. As the years go on, several other things happen.

I thought this was my first story rated 'everyone', but it isn't. It kind of is though? Anyway.

Chapters (1)

The earth had belonged to the People since time immemorial, until the ponies came to push them out. For centuries, they have hidden in the forest and the hills, slowly losing ground to their enemies.

But now the gods have chosen two young warriors.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Antipodes

Several decades after the heroic actions of Jigsaw, Tiptoe, and Incendia restored the princesses, the world has begun the slow process of healing. Spectrum is a headstrong young stallion from Totemhoof who signs up with an excavation team in the hopes of experiencing a life changing adventure. What he finds will send him into a head-on collision with forces he can't begin to comprehend- and, perhaps, a chance to fulfill his destiny.

Sequel to Antipodes- though you don't need to have read it to enjoy this, I hope.

AKA An2podes

Chapters (4)