• Member Since 5th Oct, 2019


Sparing some of my time to read them worlds.

How ever so Intresting 4 stories
Found 2 stories in 36ms
Total Words: 13,172
Estimated Reading: 52 minutes



  • Featured 24698 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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  • Reviewed 221 stories Stories that have been reviewed

My name is Sasha, I was found in the Metro tunnels by a man named Artyom, my father. I am unlike everyone else of the Metro, for I am not human... but a pony. I have saved the Metro many times against the threat of the mutants and bandits. But my normal flow of life has been disrupted lately... I have been having strange visions and dreams, and one sentence I keep hearing... "Come home, Twilight..."

A darker take on the "My Little Dashie" style of story, featuring the Metro 2033 universe, starring Artyom, Twilight and the rest of the main cast of MLP: FIM

A short, multi-chapter story to try get me back into the way of writing!

Edited by Xhoral1865

Chapters (2)

Niamh, an introverted student of veterinary science, finds herself transported to a strange world inhabited by ponies. Of course, that means becoming one herself. Now she must prove to the other ponies that she is not the 'Nightmare Moon' they think she is, and earn their trust, while they must earn hers. Especially this 'Princess Luna' character.

But two questions stand out above the rest as being truly important: How did she get there, and why?

Featured 19/03/14 Didn't expect that.

Amazing cover art was done by the extremely talented MrFulp.

Chapters (4)