my favorite 5 stories
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"Trixie can't fall asleep! The panties might get her!!"

This story was not submitted to Any Thousand Words contest, and your children can thank me.

Chapters (1)

And can you dry your tears
When the rain falls down in droves and droves
And can I be here for you
To let me hold you tight

Trixie has been best friends with Starlight Glimmer for months now, and the bond between them has never been stronger. But, after a bull-headed mistake and lack of critical thinking, Trixie manages to leave Starlight Glimmer angry and disappointed. Again.

Over the course of a single day, Trixie takes the steps to make things right between the two of them and, in doing so, instantly discovers some feelings inside of her that she never thought possible. Her best friend was kind, sweet, and yes, very hot. And now she was in love with her.

Greatly inspired by this amazing image by TheSoleil, as well as the brony song Seagulls by the illustrious FritzyBeat.

Chapters (6)

Lovely cover art courtesy of Dilarus.

Sometimes friendships are simple.

Sometimes they're complicated.

And sometimes a little thing like waking up next to your best friend makes them go from one to the other really, really fast.

Chapters (1)

It's Starlight Glimmer's first Nightmare Night in Ponyville, and she invites Trixie to go to a Haunted House attraction with her. As it turns out, Trixie is very very easily frightened. Almost too easily. Certainly it's not some silly excuse for the sideshow magician to cling to her very best friend... right?

Chapters (2)

It’s hard being a reformed villain. Starlight Glimmer had big plans to change the world for the better. That was until Princess Twilight and her friends arrived in her town and derailed those plans. Now she’s living in Twilight’s castle on parole, and without a clear idea where she’s going in life.

Though a unique opportunity presents itself when Twilight offers her the chance to run Ponyville’s Hearts and Hooves Day celebrations, and she agrees to help. With Trixie and Spike by her side, she has new plans for what she sees as an outdated holiday. Pity for her everypony else has different ideas for the Hearts and Hooves Day.

A standalone Winningverse story.

Chapters (3)