• Member Since 7th Aug, 2011


Man of many talents and simple pleasures.

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A three story serie of second person relationships between high school human ponies, inspired by the image of Scootaloo and other art by the artist MoronSonOfBoron.

A Date With Scootaloo: You are Lickety Split, a young boy just learning what it is to be a man in a world filled with curvaceous women. But it's not the busty ones who really strike your fancy, but the one who shows the most courage after what life has thrown her.

A Second Date With Scootaloo: You and Scootaloo are starting to develop a relationship, but there is still one question that plagues your mind. How did she lose her leg?

Three's a Crowd: Your relationship with Scootaloo takes a drastic turn when she starts hanging around with a guy on a motorcycle. How can you compete with an older dude who gives her the speed she craves in life?

See the remaining stories in the serie here if you have mature view turned on: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/48896/A-Date-With-Scootaloo-%28Mature-stories%29

Chapters (3)