• Member Since 20th Sep, 2014

The Stainmore Phoenix

I do not believe that these creatures and lands are all trouble, but this one creature or land has upset our ponies badly and made the princesses very upset

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In the dead of night, a forest fire wreaks havoc on the Green Mountains. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna, having been at the right place at the right time, are valiantly fighting it. The fire, however, refuses to be quelled.

Before the two are able to fetch help from nearby towns, they hear the crying call of something that is in trouble. Something big. Something fast. A sound that could only be one thing.

The Haunting Wail of a Steam Train.

Chapters (1)

A new hero has risen in Canterlot, protecting poor and rich, innocent and guilty, and even the Princesses. Known only as the Blue Knight, this courageous pony faces off against evildoers with a smile and a quirky comment. Nopony knows who he is, only that he must be the most noble stallion in the world.

Meanwhile, Blueblood, one of the few ponies born without Celestia's mental block on violence, is struggling. Ever since he was a colt, he's pushed everypony away in an attempt to keep them safe from the harm he might do them. Now, with his rise to the Hero of Canterlot, he struggles against keeping those he protects safe from evil, while also keeping them away from him.

In the large city of Baltimare, a stallion is growing his power. Born without any form of violence block, he embraces his killer side, using it to hoard power and money. When he chances upon twins with the same blessing as he, a scheme to usurp Equestria's throne begins to form.

This story is part of the HoE storyline.

Extra tags include drama and mystery. Sex tag for implied intentions.
Other characters: Mane 6
Princess Cadance
Shining Armor

Chapters (18)

Each member of the Rainbooms is going to be having their own adventure.

With Spiderman away from the city, it's down to Twilight Sparkle to fill in. Things may go well at first, but when Canterlot's most wanted return to the streets, things might get more difficult.

So she must use what Spiderman has taught her to protect the city from villains like Juggernaut, Tinkerer and more.

Chapters (9)

The City of Canterlot has always been a peaceful place. Everybody lives their lives in happiness and in wonder. However, an unexpected force from another dimension looks to bring that peace to an end and usher in a reign of darkness and chaos. However, someone else from that same dimension has been tracking them for years and is the last survivor of his world. If the dark lords looking to do the same with this dimension, it falls on the person to form a team that serves as the final stand between harmony and destruction.

Featured on the Popular Section 2/1/22

Chapters (22)

In the Ponyville Railyard, towards the back, in a old siding by themselves, sit 6 old hopper cars filled with gray gravel. The cars are rusty, the letters on them having faded long ago. The cars have not been touched in ages, and seemingly serve no purpose. Scootaloo aims to find out why the cars are there, and what purpose they serve. Now she wishes that she'd left well enough alone, because when something has been abandoned, there's always a reason behind why it was........

(This is my first foray into the world of MLP horror stories, so hopefully this goes well)

Featured as of 5/4/22?!:pinkiegasp: Holy cow. Thank you everypony!:yay::pinkiehappy::twilightsmile:

Chapters (1)

Nightmare Moon has returned. Princess Celestia lied and betrayed her star pupil, Twilight Sparkle, leaving her woefully unprepared to fight the Queen of the Night.

But when she fails, rather than disposing of her and the ponies that tried to help her, Nightmare Moon sees an opportunity and a necessity. Having been locked away for one thousand years, who better to help her solidify her rule and keep Equestria from collapsing, all while rubbing it in her sister's face, than her own betrayed pupil?

Chapters (54)

I got dragged to Equestria by pure accident due to an experiment gone 'wrong', roughly forty years before Nightmare Moons' arrival.
No matter what I do, as a pony-changeling hybrid, something will change with Equestria. I just hope I don't doom the country before Nightmare Moon even arrives... Or worse.

This is the first story I ever tried to write professionally, so there WILL be errors, for that, I apologize in advance.
I'm editing and proofreading it on my own because I literally suck when it comes to using this site competently.
Lastly, I am a slow writer due to IRL getting in the way but I will try my hardest to settle the story down whether it's popular or not.

Fair warning, there may be spoilers in the comments.

Thank you to Little Tigress for the fantastic cover art.

Chapters (64)

Having failed Wonder-bolt academy, Rainbow Dash thinks of what other jobs she can get after having her lifelong dream ruined.    

Chapters (5)

Pony Power Rangers: Take Flight! An evil tyrant threatens all that's well and good, and only you can stop them. Well, as soon as you get your acts together and get past your own self doubts that is... Thankfully, Starswirl the Bearded might have a few ways to help you. Take off... in a headwind!

Not all of them wanted this job, really, but it doesn't mean they won't do it to the best of their abilities.

(Chōjin Sentai Jetman Adaption)

Chapters (17)

This story is a sequel to They're EVERYWHERE!

Update schedule: Hopefully once a week
As always, commenting and engagement is always appreciated and can help steer or polish the story.

Several years after the changeling invasion of Canterlot, queen Chrysalis gets an invitation to attend a cruise followed by a stay in a luxury holiday resort on an island belonging to the Griffon Empire. Supposedly, this is to introduce the new friendly changeling power in Equestria to existing nobility. Chrysalis takes one of the new infiltrators - 93, an old warrior 387, and a group of drones led by 10013 with her.

Chrysalis? Caring for the tiny and easily replaceable drones enough to give a few of them a chill two weeks? 387 doesn't buy it.

There must be something else going on... surely.

Chapters (90)